Joe Lieberman Discusses the Audacity of John Kerry – IOTW Report

Joe Lieberman Discusses the Audacity of John Kerry

CTH: Former Senator Joe Lieberman appears on Sunday Morning with Maria Bartiromo to discuss former Secretary of State John Kerry holding diplomatic discussions with Iran and undermining U.S. foreign policy.

13 Comments on Joe Lieberman Discusses the Audacity of John Kerry

  1. Everyone talks about John Kerry and his horse’s face, but I’ve never seen a bigger horse’s ass than that traitoress bastard!
    He should have stayed in Viet Nam years ago and joined the North Vietnamese army.

  2. Kerry-Heinz
    Is an unregistered Iranian operative
    Who probably still has a USA security clearance
    He is a criminal
    Just like ALL the Clintons
    Yet he will not be prosecuted
    Just like George Soros won’t
    He is a smelly democrat

    But the Russia collusion investigation goes on
    When there is no proof of anything

    Tell me

    Who elected Robert Mueller to be dictator of
    And cannot prove why he should be any longer
    Other than to dream up imaginaries against
    Those who the democrats

  3. Where are the “collusion” police when a clear case of it presents itself?

    O this concerns a state sponsor of the religion of peace and a protected party Democrat? Move along nothing to see here.

  4. John “can I get me a huntin license here” Kerry has always been a subversive scumbag. He actually has family marital ties to the Iranian regime. He’s hard to take seriously he’s such a bumbling buffoon but never the less what he’s done is a act of treachery.
    When will the Dept of Justice get off their ass?
    Sessions needs to go, He’s not even in the fight. If he views everything as political then he’s not fit for the job. We cannot allow people like Holder to run wild in that position and never do anything to correct the course.

  5. Lieberman stated the Logan Act has been on the books (as a Law) for 200 years and has never been used. If the Law was broken, it must be enforced. Or is this more establishment choosing not to enforce the law on National Security issues to save one of their own elite?

  6. Sessions dereliction of duties is becoming painfully obvious. I could understand his reluctance to announce an investigation prior to issuing an arrest warrant but damn.
    Do something other than hide under your desk Mr. Sessions or politely resign. If your not going to enforce the laws the get the hell out of the way. Too many crooks are walking the streets fancy free today because you’re sitting on your ass.
    Shit or get off the pot.

  7. SAX

    JFK was a yellow belly coward. Every time they were fired on he ran below deck; and on a swift boat there is not much room below deck. Read Oniel’s book.

    JFK would not fight for anyone. I am sure his Navy file would say so. Which is why he never signed the form to lwt the Navy release his records!

    As we said in the Corps JFK is CHICKEN SHIT! A gutless $billionaire! With several Ivy degrees.

  8. I think Trump is getting ready to pull Kerry’s Security Clearance. Pretty sure the Kerry/Iran meeting took place and was reported months ago. We are being reacquainted to bring us up to speed when Trump tweets the news of the gelding of Kerry.


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