Meanwhile, in Khan’s London… – IOTW Report

Meanwhile, in Khan’s London…

Carjackers Convicted for Throwing Acid on Disabled Boxer, Dragging Him Behind Vehicle.


English Girl Allegedly Abducted, Forced Into 2 Marriages, 8 Abortions by Pakistanis During 12-year Captivity.

Police are alleged to have refused to investigate her disappearance or even list her as missing, and the Mail reports her as claiming that even after she finally escaped and tried to report her experience to the authorities “a Muslim [police] officer turned off the tape recorder during an interview… and told her to drop allegations against one of her attackers ‘because of lack of evidence’.”


One Convicted Terrorist Released onto Britain’s Streets Every Week.

A convicted terrorist is released from prison onto the streets of Britain every week, government figures show, as next month sees the release of convicted hate preacher and Islamic State recruiter Anjem Choudary.



11 Comments on Meanwhile, in Khan’s London…

  1. Some where, some place, the UK went off the rails. They might still be freaken pissed over us beating their asses. Who knows.
    But here’s the deal, we saved their ass a couple times. Last time cut deep. But they keep getting fucking dumber. I hope no U.S. military person is at risk rescuing a single Brit retard. They should all be exterminated.

  2. People are deluded that Third World immigrants that come to a Western country will suddenly transform themselves into respectable citizens if they and their families reject Western Civilization and cling to the cultures from whence they came, refusing to assimilate. Doesn’t take much to realize that Islam, as a whole, is a brutal religion that worships death, rape and revenge, all of which are re-enforced by the teachings of their Prophet (Cursing be upon him). Add to that, an urban class of Caribbean and African youth that now identify with rap and thug culture.

    I don’t think I will visit London again in the near future. I will fondly remember the time that the Dean of my boarding school escorted me out of Trader Vic’s in the London Hilton by the scruff of my neck after a session of Scorpions and piña coladas(I was only 16 and decided to make friends by buying rounds with Mom’s MasterCard that conveniently decide to take a trip to the UK with me.) That trip abroad during Spring Break could only add another nail in the coffin of my dis-invitation to return to school for my senior year. I returned to Trader Vic’s that summer in London to find out that the staff thought it was my angry father coming to get me.

    If I tried the same stunt today, I would probably get jumped or knifed on the Tube. I don’t think I would fair well as a lone Yank, wondering around by myself anymore. And given what has just happened in Paris and Amsterdam, I think I would fair better by not traveling to the EU, save Ireland, for the moment.

  3. Isn’t that sort of goings on to be expected, like kahn said?
    He is calling for a second brexit vote, too.

    I used to love Britain. But they worked with clinton and obama to sabotage Trump, and are probably continuing that today. They are gone, and if we don’t do something we will shortly follow thereafter.

  4. And the Democrats want to welcome them all to America.
    And remember this story:
    White Man Beaten To Death By Somali Mob In Lewiston, Maine
    Oh, hey, lets welcome them too………………
    How do you spot a Democrat campaign sign?
    No Red, White, and Blue.
    Start watching those campaign sign.

  5. Christian PDX, Ireland is lost too. Go to youtube and watch the videos of the savages marching through Dublin like invading savages. And the braindead Donkeys are defending them and accepting it like retarded sheep.

    Check out the videos of these filthy savages in Speakers Corner in Hyde Park, London. The dirty filthy mozlem scum have destroyed it and are literally chasing the kuffar out of the park into traffic, running for their lives. England is also completely lost. In less then 25 years it will be Shitria compliant and mozlems will dominate political power there. WW3 is on its way.

  6. Keep in mind that Khan is a facilitator and symptom, but the cause is the mohammadmen’s totalitarian theocratic drive for conquest, assisted by the utterly delusional left-collectivists’ belief that once sane individualist Brits are no longer a threat, Islam and Socialism can coexist peacefully. (This is in no way a defense of the despicable Khan.)

    Violent evil, meet spineless evil.
    Spineless evil, meet violent evil.

  7. @Uncle Al September 17, 2018 at 12:03 am

    > left-collectivists’ belief that once sane individualist Brits are no longer a threat, Islam and Socialism can coexist peacefully

    Sane non-collectivists have never been a threat. Any more than Sadiq Khan. Any where.

    If you do not wish to work the collectivist plantation, inshallah. Because it’s the only game in town.


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