Lisa Page: It’s Possible ‘There Would Be Literally Nothing’ to Russia Collusion Story Before Mueller Appointment – IOTW Report

Lisa Page: It’s Possible ‘There Would Be Literally Nothing’ to Russia Collusion Story Before Mueller Appointment

Big Government: Former FBI lawyer Lisa Page admitted under oath that a text exchange with FBI agent Peter Strzok meant that “it still existed in the scope of possibility that there would be literally nothing” to the Russia collusion story on the eve of Robert Mueller’s appointment to investigate that issue as special counsel, according to a Sunday Fox News report.

In July, Page and Strzok were called to testify before a joint session of the House Judiciary and House Oversight Committees about their text exchanges.

According to the report by Justice Department Inspector General (DOJ-IG) Michael Horowitz in May 2017, Strzok texted Page to let her know he was considering joining Mueller’s investigation, which was just beginning. He told her he wanted to join to “fix it” after the Clinton mail investigation and complete “unfinished business,” stating he was willing to forgo an assistant directorship to be part of “[a]n investigation leading to impeachment.” But Strzok still had reservations about joining Mueller. As the DOJ-IG report puts it: MORE

11 Comments on Lisa Page: It’s Possible ‘There Would Be Literally Nothing’ to Russia Collusion Story Before Mueller Appointment

  1. This is beginning to be real fun. Been waiting a loooong time for this. I will be grinning ear to ear for months. I’ve been hanging out on a limb for months waiting for this to happen.

    Thrilling, really.

  2. That’s why I have a hard time making fun of how someone looks. It’s not like they had any input. How you take care of yourself is another story. Also, when you’re born, you don’t name yourself. With that being said, being a lib is two strikes against you. And Lisa Page is a lib that had bad intentions.

  3. No evidence of any Trump-Russian collusion found by Mueller after his appoint either from what I’ve seen.

    This is similar to a joke a high school friend liked :
    Q: Looking at my open palm what do you see?
    A: Ah, “nothing.”

    After rubbing palms together for a few seconds, and showing the open palm again.
    Q: There’s “nothing” there now. What happened to it?

    It’s the same with the Mueller investigation.

  4. Isn’t there supposed to be evidence of a crime before an investigation starts?

    We know this was a set-up between Comey, Rosenstein and Muldoon but couldn’t Sessions have at least required some evidence of a crime before greenlighting this fiasco of a sham of a mockery?

    This “investigation” makes Kangaroo Courts look like models of probity and procedural integrity.


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