Mark Dice: I Can’t Take It Anymore! – IOTW Report

Mark Dice: I Can’t Take It Anymore!

Dice chews up the Emmys and gets under Anderson Cooper’s skin.

20 Comments on Mark Dice: I Can’t Take It Anymore!

  1. Yeah, because that’s what socialists are famous for. Diversity and freedom of expression. LOL.
    The minute after they separate everyone into groups, they get them fighting and then there’s such an uncontrollable mess they have to appoint someone to a dictatorial position to get everyone in line. You know,just temporarily.
    And there goes your diversity, the 1st and 2nd, followed by the 4th, 5th. And do you reeeally need the 8th? Don’t fret, this is all temporary.

  2. They act as though America was created by a bunch of lesbians and drag queens trekking across the prairie.

    “Come on Thelma and Louise, we got a country to build,” said Fantasia, as ze adjusted hir jockstrap and touched up hir glitter, hoping that ze might run into a tall, tan savage on the trail. It was hard for a Trans of color on the wagon trail. “Maybe a Cheyenne, Blackfoot or Sioux might cross their path, or even a fiery Mexican. Anything but a CIS White male would do,” ze thought.—

    Taken from “The Settling of the West” children’s book, as read to little children at drag queen reading hour at the West Hollywood. Public Library. (Coming soon to Netflix.)

  3. That was like a drug induced Sesame Street opening.
    So basically in Hollywood straight white men are useless and suck and should be ignored whenever possible.

    Unless it’s Mark Dice making jokes about Anderson Cooper who also gets snippy and stereotypically bitchy and calls Don Jr, “Donny”.

  4. Diversity. Individuality. Be my own person!

    These were reasons that students used in their essays for opposing school uniforms. The standardized tests in many states used the question about school uniforms as a prompt for them to write a persuasive essay.

    It turned out to be about 50/50 split between support an oppose, but the students who opposed school uniforms almost always used the argument that they wanted diversity, individuality and the chance to express themselves.

    However, in reading the rest of the essay, they overwhelmingly complained that they didn’t want to stick out among the crowd, but to wear what students liked to wear to fit in. In other words, they wanted to be like all the other students.

  5. Knowing the insanity of today’s Leftists, it wouldn’t surprise me if, to “prove” their anti-White “stand,” white Leftists are encouraged to go on stage IN BLACKFACE to eradicate their “whiteness.”

    SEE: “segregation is the new desegregation.”

  6. The Emmys were on while I was visiting some relatives last night, so I watched the opening number. I actually thought the opening was satirical and amusing, and played to several stereotypes. But the funniest part was several minutes later when, after mentioning diversity innumerable times, the very first award went to Henry Winkler.

    I left after that because I don’t watch enough television to know any of the shows; it was like watching a dramatic movie filmed in German with Chinese subtitles and I don’t speak either language. Which leads me to a big question: who has the kind of time necessary to be knowledgeable about all of the different shows airing on the hundreds of channels to really enjoy an awards show like the Emmys?

  7. Hollywierd dead to me.
    Openly mocking God & Jesus.
    I bet they won’t mock MoHamMad.
    You don’t work in that industry unless
    you 100% tow the commie/leftist line…

  8. Dice’ tweet about Cooper being used to being on his knees is funny because it’s true.

    Cooper’s entire family consists of people on their knees in one way or another. The only exception to that might be his brother who was normal enough to not be able to handle this truth and probably killed himself to escape the reality…….allegedly (as Kathy Griffin might say).

  9. Hollywood is basically a propaganda mill for multinational corporations who want a global government that operates just like China operates now. That’s why they suck China’s little dick and run down the US and white people constantly. Their values basically parallel the Chinese Politburo and major Chinese bankers. And the stuff shown in the video is the classic kind of ham handed propaganda you’d expect from a communist shithole like China.

  10. The 70th Emmy presentation was a train wreck thanks to sophomoric, childish deviant-based presenters and award winners. High school kids could have created better entertainment.

    The favorite running joke was mocking Jesus. They know the miniscule amount of conservatives watching would turn the channel quicker if Trump was mentioned, so instead they took the the Lord’s name in vain. An example of the stupidity that was the theme for three horrible hour. Lowest rating ever for Emmys, BTW.

    Diversity!?-HA! Not one award or presentation included anybody but Hollyweird elite and their leftist plantation cohorts and deviant revisionist shows.

    I suffered through one hour of that gut turning disaster before I couldn’t take it anymore. I think I deserve an award for tolerating that crap for as long as I did.


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