Rubio demands DOJ investigate John Kerry for secret Iran meetings – IOTW Report

Rubio demands DOJ investigate John Kerry for secret Iran meetings

American Military News:

Sen. Marco Rubio has called for former Secretary of State John Kerry to be investigated after Kerry recently admitted to holding secret meetings with Iran.

Sen. Rubio wrote a letter to Attorney General Jeff Sessions asking the Department of Justice (DOJ) to investigate whether or not Kerry broke federals laws for his admitted meetings with Iranian officials, Politico reported Tuesday.

“As you know, the Islamic Republic of Iran remains a U.S.-designated state sponsor of terrorism, and the State Department continues to characterize the regime in Tehran as ‘the foremost biggest state sponsor of terrorism’ in its annual reports on international terror,” Rubio wrote. “The American people deserve to know that U.S. laws are enforced, regardless of any individual’s past position.” MORE

15 Comments on Rubio demands DOJ investigate John Kerry for secret Iran meetings

  1. Hey Rube, you let Trump handle the DOJ, okay? And when he yanks Lurch’s security clearance, you stand with the President. And stay the hell away from that ass Bob Corker. He’s a short-timer bent on destruction, and he doesn’t give a shit about you.

  2. I loathe that opportunistic little vulture. He’s a sneaking, conniving, backstabbing little queer that lies with the ease of a seasoned con man.
    His base is in south Florida which is heavily democratic and that should speak for why he’s so hard to get rid of.
    He’s a political traitor in the midst of the republican party.

  3. Who the Hell let Marco and Lindsey have a bottle of testosterone? Sorry you two, your many “Oh shits” cancels your “Atta boys” all day long. See: Gang of Eight amnesty push for just ONE example.


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