Republicans call for special counsel to investigate ‘bureaucratic coup’ at Justice Dept. – IOTW Report

Republicans call for special counsel to investigate ‘bureaucratic coup’ at Justice Dept.

WaTimes: Top Republicans on Sunday called for the appointment of a new special counsel to examine the apparent deep-seated, anti-Trump animus inside the Justice Department, citing revelations that Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein discussed secretly recording the president.

“Before the election, FBI officials tried to taint the election, tip it to [Hillary] Clinton’s favor. After the election, they’re trying to undermine the president,” Sen. Lindsey Graham told “Fox News Sunday.”

“If Rosenstein is involved, he should be fired. If he is not involved, leave him alone,” the South Carolina Republican said. “There’s a bureaucratic coup going on at the Department of Justice and the FBI, and somebody needs to look at it.”

Mr. Rosenstein in May 2017 reportedly suggested that he wear a wire and secretly record his conversations with the president. The deputy attorney general has strongly denied those reports. He reportedly also whispered to Cabinet officials about invoking the 25th Amendment to remove President Trump from office.  more here

12 Comments on Republicans call for special counsel to investigate ‘bureaucratic coup’ at Justice Dept.

  1. So, DO IT! Something is needed to at least appear to be investigating all factors of the continual attacks against not just President Trump, but even more alarming, against the USA!
    But Lord, who will call for it? The corrupt justice department? Ugh!

  2. The Communist-Democrats are like a yuge pack of wild male dogs. They’re all after America; She’s either in-heat, or alone and defenseless. The C-Ds will not stop without a real, knock-down war. Guns and prayers, everyone.

  3. Yes! YES!

    We (the People) need to appoint (and pay) an army of maggotty lawyers to discover whether or not water is WET!

    It’s fo’ da l’il chillens!
    We don’t want to blame anyone, we just have to make sure THIS NEVER HAPPENS AGAIN!

    izlamo delenda est …

  4. So who’s going to appoint the Special Counsel? The same foxes who are guarding the henhouse now? Henry Kerner? He’s the Head of the Office of Special Counsel. From their website:

    “OSC’s primary mission is to safeguard the mer​it system by protecting federal employees and applicants from prohibited personnel practices, especially reprisal for whistleblowing…”

    Kerner supported the targeting of Tea Party orgs by the IRS. He’s an ultimate swamper, and Congress maneuvered Trump into giving him his current job at OSC. Whether Kerner is involved or not, the swamp is going to appoint a swamper to investigate the DOJ. They have to “safeguard the mer​it system”, after all.

  5. Their goal will be accomplished with release of the FISA docs and IG’s Report on said abuse.

    But any extra *bluster* on their part prior to the Mid Terms helps.

  6. Hey, is this the same Lindsey Graham that voted for and continues to vote to expand the NDAA every time it comes up for renewal? Mr. “New & Improved” is really hitting the Sunday talk shows every week trying to whitewash his previous go along to get along reputation. Nice try but too little too late, we know what you really are.

  7. Careful what you ask for. You could end up with a investigating panel that would make Mueller’s look non partisan. This is a knee jerk reaction that has not been well thought out. There should be internal investigations of both the FBI and the DOJ. Any good director would have initiated those at the first sign of rebellion. Unfortunately we do not have good directors, hence the problem.
    So much for the fidelity, bravery and integrity part of their motto.

  8. Tony R said: “Lindsay is almost starting to sound like a republican, lately. Is he up for reelection, or is it because his puppet master just died?”

    He’s up for re-election in 2020 and has started pre-campaigning about 6 months earlier than usual. Watch for phony photo-ops at Palmetto State Arms with Lindsey firing an AR-15. It’s his usual M.O.


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