Why Is Saudi Arabia Scooping Up Land in Northern Virginia? – IOTW Report

Why Is Saudi Arabia Scooping Up Land in Northern Virginia?

Geller Report: There is no telling what the Saudis are up to in buying all this land, but there is no doubt that it won’t be anything good. The much-touted “reforms” of Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman are more show than substance. The Islamic Kingdom has been cracking down on dissent, arresting women’s rights campaigners and setting new stiff penalties for “blasphemy.” There needs to be a national discussion about Saudi activities in the U.S., and their intentions. But there won’t be. MORE

14 Comments on Why Is Saudi Arabia Scooping Up Land in Northern Virginia?

  1. Honestly, its not like thousands of acres. The Chinese are way ahead on real estate acquisitions and the South Americans are closing in. My guess is they are looking for a safe place to go when their power structure starts to collapse.

  2. Although this is not the first time they’ve done this – purchasing land in Northern Virginia and setting up schools in what Pat Roush (whose daughters were kidnapped to KSA by her Saudi ex-husband) refers to as “Saudi colonization of America.” It’s been going on for awhile, though there may have been a lull.

  3. News for you: Saudis already own the endowments and philosophy of most large universities in the States already. Why not have places for their kids and excess princes to live and practice overthrowing our politicians and Clintonistas?

    In some ways the Saudis are so last week anyway!

  4. @TRF – two words — John Kerry. He is the proto-typical paid off lobbyist the Saudis use in DC. How much Saudi money in the Clinton Foundation?

    The Saudis started buying schools in the 60″s.

  5. I liked that way Putin’s government responded when the Saudis asked to build a large mosque in Moscow: When we can build a Russian Orthodox Church in Saudi Arabia, we’ll let you build a mosque in Russia.

    If Americans can’t own land in a country, that country’s people should not be able to buy land in the United States.

  6. @Lance o Lot September 25, 2018 at 8:47 am

    > If Americans can’t own land in a country, that country’s people should not be able to buy land in the United States.

    And, as it has been discovered hidden in the secret signs and portents of The Constitution that local governments can seize land for no more than feelz, it requires no more than the nearby municipalities to eminent domain them away.

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