Senate Judiciary Committee Schedules Vote For Friday On Kavanaugh – IOTW Report

Senate Judiciary Committee Schedules Vote For Friday On Kavanaugh

The Senate Judiciary Committee will vote on Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh on Friday morning at 9:30.

This vote will take place a day after Kavanaugh and one of the two women who accused him of sexual misconduct, Dr. Christine Blasey Ford, are scheduled to testify in front of the committee, according to Politico.


Judic Cmte noticed POTENTIAL exec mtg for Friday. Still taking this 1 step at a time. After hrg Dr Ford & Judge Kavanaugh’s testimony- if we‘re ready to vote, we will vote. If we aren’t ready, we won’t. Cmte rules normally require 3 days notice so we‘re following regular order



h/t ChristianPDX

9 Comments on Senate Judiciary Committee Schedules Vote For Friday On Kavanaugh

  1. I watched the interview with the Judge, his wife Ashley and Martha McCallum. I was in tears. These are such good folks. What they are going through is inexcusable. We should be proud to have Judge Kavanaugh on the Supreme Court.

  2. Count the votes. Don’t take that for granted or else Corker, Flake or Murkowski will stick it in and break it off on you.

    Be prepared for some last minute surprise accusation and a rival press conference that will be used as a get out the vote drive before the yoke of patriarchy is once again wrung around the necks of our nation’s unattractive and impregnable feminists.

    Buy stock in coathangers and LED lights to responsibly illuminate our dark, back alley abortion mills in the most eco-friendly way possible.

  3. This may indicate that Grassley believes Ford will not appear. Clearly, Ford does not want to testify; that is why she and her lawyer are yammering for another FBI investigation and trying to set ground rules for her testimony. But an FBI investigation will not affect Ford’s testimony at all, and the ground rules are simple – show up, take an oath to testify under penalty of perjury, and tell the truth. If Ford is a no show, there is no reason to delay the Senate Judiciary vote.

    Ford’s lawyer is complaining that this isn’t a criminal case and the Republicans aren’t playing fair. No, this is more important than a criminal case – this is an effort to subvert the lawful process of choosing a Supreme Court justice. Even Feinstein didn’t believe Ford, and only released this letter when the Democrats ran out of other stall tactics.

    Ford needs to take a long, hard look at who she threw in with. The Democrats are using her, and none of them will have any problem denoucing her if her act fails to play on Broadway. My best advice to Ford would be to stay away.


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