NYT Accidentally Exposes Source In Kavanaugh Hit — He Could Be A Democratic State Senator – IOTW Report

NYT Accidentally Exposes Source In Kavanaugh Hit — He Could Be A Democratic State Senator


The New York Times inadvertently exposed one of their sources in their latest hit piece on Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh, and several facts point to him being a Democratic state senator.

On Monday night, The NYT published an article claiming that Kavanaugh and his friends bragged about sexual conquests with a female friend in their high school yearbooks. The phrases “Renate Alumnius” and “Renate Alumni” were allegedly references to Renate Schroeder, a student at a nearby girls’ Catholic school.

The NYT cited two sources for the claim that the boys were “boasting about their conquests”; one was Sean Hagan, a former Georgetown Prep student, and the other was anonymous.

According to a report by The Federalist’s Mollie Hemingway, the anonymous source was Richard S. Madaleno Jr., a Georgetown Prep classmate of Kavanaugh and a current Democratic Maryland state senator.

Hemingway noted that an original version of the NYT report named a “Mr. Madaleno” and then quickly deleted the reference. The authors did not explain why Madaleno’s name was removed and his first name was never mentioned.

Richard Madaleno, an anti-Trump Democrat, recently lost the Democratic primary for the Maryland governor’s race. Madaleno gained national attention for kissing his husband in a campaign ad and insisting the kiss was an act of resistance against the president.  more here

7 Comments on NYT Accidentally Exposes Source In Kavanaugh Hit — He Could Be A Democratic State Senator

  1. As Rush noted, if the Republicans don’t get this vote taken soon, by the end of the week, there will be stories about Kavanaugh being a bigamist with a secret Russian wife. Stupid Grassley is to blame for letting this shit go on and on.

  2. Did Kavanaugh rape Feinstine yet and is this child raping homo Madaleno the one was was caught raping a 9 year old boy in a Target bathroom during the campaign??

  3. Kavanaugh is one of the Reptilian Overlords David Eike goes on about.
    He is rumored to have a designated parking space at Area 51
    He helped stash the Holy Grail for the Templars and then moved it out of Oak Island in the 40’s
    He was at the battle of Acre firing heated cannonballs at the French from the Ottoman fort
    He introduced John Lennon to Yoko Ono
    He stole the idea for Play Dough from the inventor, murdered him and lived off the proceeds for years
    It was his idea to put six hot dogs in a pack, knowing full well a bag of buns has eight
    He was present at the Philadelphia Experiment, and was seen smirking at the mess that was made.
    He eats Pizza the same way John Kasich does

  4. If you want evidence the upper class preppy scene was one of drinking and sex, just read the yearbooks from Ford’s own school. They’re now online in more or less complete form, and the earlier excerpts seem to have been accurate. Plenty of references to drinking and hooking up in published form from this girls’ school.

    But evidence about the overall culture is not directly applicable to each and every individual – either way. Because stereotypes and stuff. Lefties remember stereotypes and their badness, right? Right?


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