Florida: Combat-Decorated Green Beret Takes On a New Enemy- The Washington Swamp – IOTW Report

Florida: Combat-Decorated Green Beret Takes On a New Enemy- The Washington Swamp

American Thinker: Many politicians in Washington, D.C. are more concerned with getting elected than with governing this country.  Veterans see this as something that goes against their spirit.  They served in the military to protect and defend, and now they want a chance to serve in Congress to fight for their fellow Americans.  Their mission is to get results and not constantly be lame-duck representatives.  One such candidate is Michael Waltz, who is running in Florida’s District 6, the seat Ron DeSantis currently holds as he runs for governor.  He interviewed with American Thinker about why he is running for office.

He told American Thinker, “I have been serving my country my entire life, twenty-two years as a Green Beret.  I wake up in the morning thinking about the issues this country is facing.  We can either yell at the TV or roll up our sleeves and serve in the political arena.  When someone is in the foxhole, he does not care about differences in race, religion, creed, sex, or economic or political background.  It is all about mission and country.  There is a commonality of service on how we should move this country forward.”   read more

3 Comments on Florida: Combat-Decorated Green Beret Takes On a New Enemy- The Washington Swamp

  1. Right there with you Claudia. I am in the U.P. right now at camp splitting wood for deer camp. I’m working to convince a lot of friends to vote for him and get rid of Michigan’s embarrassment Debbie Stabinaw.
    We all need to turn out and vote to override the corrupt votes dems bring.


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