Nikki Haley Reveals What Happened After UN Members Laughed at Trump – IOTW Report

Nikki Haley Reveals What Happened After UN Members Laughed at Trump

Western Journal: U.S. Ambassador to the United Nations Nikki Haley said the news media completely missed or misrepresented what happened when members of the U.N. General Assembly laughed at one point during President Donald Trump’s address to the body Tuesday.

Shortly into his remarks, Trump said, “In less than two years, my administration has accomplished more than almost any administration in the history of our country.”

Laughter could be heard in the audience, prompting the president to say, “Didn’t expect that reaction, but that’s OK,” which drew laughter and applause from the U.N. crowd.

Ainsley Earhardt, host of Fox News’ “Fox & Friends,” asked Haley about the moment during Wednesday’s show.

“I know you were in the room when the laugh happened,” Earhardt said. “Sometimes the media can portray it as one thing and it’s not that at all. What was it like and why that reaction?”

“The media’s got this so wrong,” Haley responded. “I deal with these leaders every single day. I know exactly how they think.”

The ambassador explained the world leaders at the U.N. do not love America, but they respect the U.S. since Trump has become president.  more here

20 Comments on Nikki Haley Reveals What Happened After UN Members Laughed at Trump

  1. That’s one thing that makes Trump the master that he is. Even being caught off guard by unexpected laughter from the stooges in the audience, it didn’t faze him. In fact he made it work in his favor, his message was more effective as a result of not being rattled right off the bat.

  2. Loco, yes we did! He was a the master then too. You know what else was really good about his speech is that he did a great job supporting the Nevada candidates that he has endorsed. You could see it was important to Trump that he helped them out by being there. He did great I thought! Good time.

  3. Nods Joe6pak – unlike spoiled politicians, he goes in and speaks for all to understand. When you can pull that off like he did in front of that ‘group’, just showed why he won. Shame the MSM cannot/will not ever portray reality instead of their agenda.

  4. Snorky, when Hannity interviewed President Trump in the arena last Thursday, the angle of the TV camera was aimed right where we were.
    You couldn’t see us though.
    In the Friday newspaper they had a picture that had our angle but it was too blurry, too many people waving signs.

  5. Joe6pak loved the truth that Nikki provided even though everyone is only being served the agenda. The ‘laugh” at the UN out of shock since they have never heard anything like it before, was a nervous surprise laugh and not a mocking one.

  6. Loco I was looking for you both even during the Hannity interview and after. Did you and Joe do the IO/TW thing? Member you talking about it, glad you had shirts on, no offense, knew I should not be looking for frat boys at a football game,,


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