140 House Democrats Refuse to Condemn Illegal Aliens Voting – IOTW Report

140 House Democrats Refuse to Condemn Illegal Aliens Voting


About 140 House Democrats voted “present” or against a resolution condemning localities across the United States for giving illegal aliens and noncitizens the right to vote in local elections.

On Wednesday, about 71 Democrats and one Republican — Rep. Justin Amash (R-MI) — voted against House Resolution 1071, which admonishes localities for giving illegal aliens and noncitizens voting rights.

Another 69 House Democrats voted “present” on the resolution, while 49 Democrats joined 230 House Republicans to support the measure.

The resolution calls out localities for giving local voting rights to illegal aliens and noncitizens, noting that giving noncitizens the right to vote disenfranchises American citizens from the electoral process.  more

6 Comments on 140 House Democrats Refuse to Condemn Illegal Aliens Voting

  1. This is meaningless posturing.

    Voter fraud is TREASON (in that it undermines the Republic – destroys the foundations, so to speak).
    TREASON must be made punishable by DEATH – no mitigating factors, no excuses, no exceptions.

    This is some more “Hey! Look at me!” legislation that, ultimately, means nothing.
    Put some teeth into the whole “immigration” (alien invasion) conundrum.
    Armed force at the borders until the Wall is functional.
    Denial of “benefits” to illegals (they don’t need it anyway, according to the media).
    Arrest and deport.
    Arrest and imprison.
    Arrest and try and execute.
    Do whatever is necessary to cleanse the country of this filth.

    Start with the Senate, then the House, then the Supremes, then the Executive Agencies.
    It should be obvious that anyone who supports the destruction of the electoral process is a traitor to that electoral process. This is self-evident.

    izlamo delenda est …

  2. Voting is the sacred right of all those who founded and built this democratic country. And who founded and built it?

    IMMIGRANTS, EVERY ONE OF THEM! Except for the coloreds, they were slaves to the Republican Klan.

    Viva le Mexico, haters.

  3. But. – as GWB said 16 years ago and Jeb repeated 4 + 3 years ago “IT IS AN ACT OF LOVE!”!

    IF you are against criminals voting you clearly are a white supremacist, as Jeb reiterated just last week!~@. Bush forever!

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