Are Short Skirts and Thug-Wear Conducive to Learning? – IOTW Report

Are Short Skirts and Thug-Wear Conducive to Learning?

American Thinker: I’ve never worn a school uniform.  My burgherly public high school didn’t require pressed slacks, liveried sweaters, solid-colored ties, button-ups, or polished Oxfords.  The only proscribed apparel items were shorts for boys and overly short skirts for girls.  Spaghetti-strap tops, I believe, were forbidden as well.

That was it.  We didn’t need regimented ensembles to maintain a sense of order and authority like soldiers huddled in a billet.  A rule of modest discernment applied sparingly sufficed.

But even that paucity of constraints is still too much for other schools, which are loosening dress codes at the behest of an oppressed student body.  Schools in California and Illinois are allowing short shorts and tank tops.  Bans on hoodies, previously seen as standard delinquent wear, are being lifted.  Boys in Alvin, Texas will soon be allowed to wear makeup.

These developments can be waved away with a simple Who cares?  And, no doubt, the prevailing American attitude of individual expressionism is in favor of more lax dress standards.

But is such a stance wise?  Does making the classroom resemble a casual Saturday at Walmart really imbue students with a sense of purpose?

It seems not.  A general slackening of mores for attire follows the anomie that has long seeped into American life.  It is also yet another indication of how muddled the collective message is we’re sending our kids.  read more

9 Comments on Are Short Skirts and Thug-Wear Conducive to Learning?

  1. I know this is going to sound like “proud mama”, but my 28 year old daughter dresses modestly and appropriately for work as a computer programmer. She now lives in Santiago, Chile, which is a much more modest, conservative country (1 of 3 First World countries in South America, the other 2 being Ecuador and British Guyana). I was self-employed for 25 years as an interior designer, and you ALWAYS dressed for success.

  2. I outlawed yoga pants in my family, unless you were at yoga…with all females. I know, I’m a neanderthal! But my wife and daughters do not leave the house exposing their front and back slits. Sorry guys!

  3. Yeah, baby – slut up those 14 year old girls. Then grab your pussy hats and march about how evil men are for leering at women, and complain about the pedophiles in our society.

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