Gov. Brown Vetoes “Gun Violence Restraining Order” Expansion – IOTW Report

Gov. Brown Vetoes “Gun Violence Restraining Order” Expansion

FPC: SACRAMENTO, CA (September 26, 2018) — Late this afternoon, California Governor Jerry Brown issued a legislative update that included his action on a number of gun bills.

Gov. Brown has vetoed AB 2888, a massive expansion of the state’s “gun violence restraining order” scheme that would have allowed “an employer, a coworker, an employee of a secondary or postsecondary school that the person has attended in the last six months” to seek a court order, without even an adversarial hearing or notice, that would prohibit a person from having any guns or ammunition.

Such orders can and often do result in a follow-up warrant for law enforcement to seize guns and ammo from the subject of a GVRO order. A veto of AB 2888 was a FPC legislative priority consistent with our longstanding opposition to so-called “red flag” or “Extreme Risk Protection Order” laws. You can read FPC’s letter of opposition to AB 2888 here.

Additionally, Brown vetoed AB 1927, which would have created a new mandate for the Department of Justice to study and make a recommendation to the Legislature about how the state could establish a “California Do Not Sell List” of people who register to be prevented from buying guns. After months of opposition, FPC was able to see the bill amended from establishing such a list, which had many serious flaws, into the study bill that was vetoed today.

Unfortunately, Brown today signed two bills opposed by FPC. AB 2103 will, effective January 1, 2019, add additional training requirements to California’s already-expensive carry license process. Gov. Brown also signed SB 1346, a bill that will add a ban on “bump stocks” and expand the state’s definition of illegal “multiburst trigger activator” devices.

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4 Comments on Gov. Brown Vetoes “Gun Violence Restraining Order” Expansion

  1. Brad, Help me out here. California has, what, a couple million gun owners?
    Cox needs to use gun owner/ owning rights, and the bills Brown does sign, in his campaign for governor against Newsom . There must be a huge number of voters in the LA, San Diego, and Bay Area, who can be persuaded to vote for Cox, t not not for Newsom, on this issue alone.

    I bring up those large population regions specifically, because the rest of the state already know and does not need reminding.

  2. Go Cox !
    We’re basicaly in a war of Idea’s that never see expression in Sacramento, i’ts like nobody is there for the People who elected them, only to Full Force use us as a testing ground for the Democrat Party U.S.A.


    All local politicians making new gun laws higher than that of the state of Florida are subject to personal fine and removal from office.

    Make that national.


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