We must all sacrifice for the environment – IOTW Report

We must all sacrifice for the environment

Ice Age Now:

But I meant you – not me! We’re supposed to be exempt from rules we inflict on others.

Greg Walcher

Have we become a society of people who want to regulate others, but not ourselves? We laugh at those who suddenly object to a policy that seemed perfectly OK when (they thought) it only applied to others.

We make fun of Al Gore demanding that “we” end “our” fossil fuel use, while he travels the world in private jets and SUVs. We chortle about politicians and Hollywood stars advocating gun control while surrounded by heavily armed bodyguards.

In truth, such hypocrisy is common, because the desire to control other people’s behavior is human nature, at least for many. Yet our attempts at control frequently come back to haunt us.

In Hamlet’s most famous speech, he predicted that a would-be assassin might end up being “hoist with his own petard.” A “petard” is a bomb, so Hamlet meant the bomb maker might be blown up (“hoisted” off the ground) by his own explosives.

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16 Comments on We must all sacrifice for the environment

  1. Doc

    I don’t know about that idea Doc. That pig will spew a lot of unsightly fat into the flames. Super heating the core of Leftard Island Zombies. Well, on second thought, lets do it.

  2. Just like Al Ghore, Hosanna O’Bama and
    Fat slob Mikey Moor
    Oh sure,
    We’ll sacrifice like they do.
    I’ll also sacrifice just like
    Dope Francis, the last.
    We should all follow their good example.

  3. I notice every few years algore generates revenue by opening his big mouth and making a large contribution to the cult of globull warming, and mikey moore somehow does same by making yet another video equivalent to the offerings at the dollar store bookshelf (actually, I’ve picked up some pretty good reads there.)
    Piggy bank must be running low…


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