Sen. Bob Corker to Vote ‘Yes’ on Kavanaugh: ‘Nothing Corroborates the Allegation’ – IOTW Report

Sen. Bob Corker to Vote ‘Yes’ on Kavanaugh: ‘Nothing Corroborates the Allegation’

Breitbart: Sen. Bob Corker (R-TN) announced Thursday evening that he would vote to confirm President Donald Trump’s Supreme Court nominee Judge Brett Kavanaugh, pointing to the lack of corroboration of Dr. Christine Ford’s allegation of sexual assault.

“I believe those who come forward with allegations of sexual assault deserve to be heard,” he wrote in a statement. “That is why I was one of the first members of the Senate to call on the judiciary committee to delay the original vote on the nomination so that both Dr. Ford and Judge Kavanaugh could provide additional information.”

“I know it took courage for Dr. Ford to appear before the committee today,” he continued. “I also very strongly believe that Judge Kavanaugh, like all Americans, deserves the presumption of innocence and that it was equally as important for him to have the opportunity to address the charges and defend himself.”

Corker explained his decision by stating that Ford had failed to provide sufficient evidence for her allegation and that Kavanaugh remains extremely well qualified to serve on the Supreme Court. 

11 Comments on Sen. Bob Corker to Vote ‘Yes’ on Kavanaugh: ‘Nothing Corroborates the Allegation’

  1. There are a few important things that Ford COULD NOT say:

    A proper police report was filed.

    The authorities then conducted a proper investigation.

    Based on that investigation, charges were filed in criminal court, and Kavanaugh was formally indicted for those crime(s).

    After a proper trial, he was found guilty as charged.

    What is it about INNOCENT until PROVEN guilty that’s so hard to understand?

    He is INNOCENT until PROVEN guilty in a COURT OF LAW, I.N.N.O.C.E.N.T!

  2. The woman said the incident was seared into her memory (my words, not hers) but she can’t remember the date?
    This isn’t plausible.

    “It’s seared … SEARED … into my memory … I’ll never forget it …”

    “When did it happen?”

    “Oh, I don’t know … I don’t remember … see, I had to go to a psychiatrist … uhh … a ‘therapist’ … to rediscover the memory but the date got lost somewhere … maybe it rolled under the couch …”

    izlamo delenda est …

  3. @Czar: A decent person would hope so – BUT, the words “shame”, “decency”, and “honesty”, among others linked to human worth, were forcibly removed from the d) lexicon decades ago.

  4. @Czar. Late checking back in and saw your comment. After the horse trading that went down in Committee w/Flake and all thats transpired since, was I off the mark?
    C’mon you’ve been around long enough to know how this works.

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