‘This is the END, Hungarian FRIEND’ – IOTW Report

‘This is the END, Hungarian FRIEND’

23 Comments on ‘This is the END, Hungarian FRIEND’

  1. I can’t imagine any country voting to be invaded by hordes of young fighting age muslims. Self determination, or acquiescence of rules by unelected bureaucrats? The dissolution of Brussels can’t happen soon enough.

  2. Every few decades a supremely evil monster comes along and has a dramatic effect on the entire world. Soros is right up there with the likes of Hitler, Stalin, Mao and Castro.
    You’d think the stupid sheeple of the world would catch on by now.

  3. The solution to this old Nazi murderer is simple, have a couple of stealth fighters to cause the private jet this evil old bastard is on to have an emergency landing in Budapest.
    The rest will take care of it self.

  4. “Empire” might be an outdated concept. But spheres of influence remain.
    The concept of European Christendom, united under the popes (and complicated by international squabbles) was one such solution. this was in part a reaction to the rise of Islam and the threat from Scandinavia.
    Mercantile colonial empires dissolved after the Great War, whereupon the Third Reich began it’s struggle for world domination.
    After WW II old-style Empires had essentially disappeared. Stalin embarked on a similar course to that of the Germans, adding the European fragments to the Soviet Union.
    The second World War left the British, Russian and German economies in tatters. The US was strong enough to begin rebuilding Germany but was exhausted by war efforts and did little to hedge against the Soviets.
    Now, the Soviet Union has fractured and communism is in the wane. Except, notably, in the EU and the USA.

    And the Muzzies ate sneaking in everywhere.

  5. Recently I read Soros lash out at Trump for trying to destroy the ‘New World Order’. I know how old school of me, the first time I ever heard of the ‘New World Order’ came from the mouth of George Herbert Walker Bush’s (the 1000 points of light thing, from the man whose Daddy bankrolled Hitler in WWII). Politicians are politicians, forget left/right, Dem/Reps. That’s why Trump scare’s them so. And if you think Trump is a Republican, you need to a lot more research. Don’t worry about the Soros kids, they are far to entitled and stupid. Anyone who can do a ‘walk up’ on them and says ‘boo’ they will S’ their pants and go into hiding,,, F’Yea Hungary, rather our US dollars spent there than to support than on illegals here in ‘Merica.

  6. Sorry for the re-post needing to clarify:
    Recently I read Soros lashed out at Trump for trying to destroy the ‘New World Order’. I know how old school of me, the first time I ever heard of the ‘New World Order’ came from the mouth of George Herbert Walker Bush (the 1000 points of light thing, from the man whose Daddy bankrolled Hitler in WWII). Politicians are politicians, forget left/right, Dem/Reps. That’s why Trump scare’s them so. And if you think Trump is a Republican, you need to do a lot more research. Don’t worry about the Soros kids, they are far to entitled and stupid. Anyone who can do a ‘walk up’ on them and says ‘boo’ they will S’ their pants and go into hiding,,, F’Yea Hungary, I’d rather our US dollars spent there than to support on illegals here in ‘Merica. Premise: was just sharing a beer with Brett, regards all

  7. sorros’ kids breath oxygen, touch things, eat food, drink fluids, travel in land, sea and air vehicles. accidents happen to anyone anywhere all the time. and they’re just accidents. until they’re not, just accidents.
    long live seth rich.
    long live michael hastings.
    long live vince foster.


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