Failed ‘asylum-seekers’ set fire to cell in Vienna, Austria – IOTW Report

Failed ‘asylum-seekers’ set fire to cell in Vienna, Austria

Geller Report:

The war roils on.

The silence is deafening.

Failed asylum-seekers set fire to cell in Vienna

New border patrol police unit called Puma takes part in the exercise “ProBorders” at the Spielfeld border crossing in Austria on June 26, 2018.

Six failed asylum-seekers set fire to their detention centre cell in Vienna overnight and had to be hospitalised, Austrian police said Saturday.

AFP, 15 September 2018

Asylum claims filed by the five Afghans and one Iranian man had been rejected and they were awaiting deportation.

Police initially spoke of a collective suicide attempt but later downplayed that premise.  more here

4 Comments on Failed ‘asylum-seekers’ set fire to cell in Vienna, Austria

  1. lets get the beer and bratwurst (pork of course) and have a weenie roast. if they are so stupid as to set fire to the stuff in the cell they are locked in. Then they are to stupid to live in modern society.


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