Julie Swetnick Has a Thing for Group Sex With Morbidly Obese People – IOTW Report

Julie Swetnick Has a Thing for Group Sex With Morbidly Obese People


RedState: Dear lord, I can’t believe I just wrote that headline.

This has just been posted by the Senate Judiciary Committee.

My name is Dennis Ketterer.

I am a former weeknight meteorologist for Channel 7 (WJLA) in Washington, D.C., and won an EMMY in 1995.

I want to preface this by saying, I am neither proud of nor guiltless in the actions about to be mentioned in this letter. I hope my family, friends, and church members can forgive me.

I first met Julie Swetnick in 1993 at a Washington, D.C. bar near Wisconsin Circle. I was at a going-away party for channel 7 anchor Dale Solly. I left the party to go to the bar to buy a soda. haven’t drunk alcohol since my 18th birthday.

As I sat alone at the end of the bar, Julie approached me. She was alone, quite beautiful, well-dressed and no drink in hand. Consequently, my initial thought was that she might be a high end call girl because at the time I weighed 3501bs so what would someone like her want with me?

But, there was no conversation about exchanging sex for money so I decided to talk with her a few minutes. I had never been hit on in a bar before.

I didn’t leave with her that night, although we talked about getting together. Over the next couple of weeks we met at what I believed and still believe was Julie’s place. From the beginning Julie knew I was married and that I was having marital issues.

As we shared conversations, my lasting impression of Julie was that she was smart, fun and funny. But she was also an opportunist. I felt she only had interest in my 350lb self because I was on television and well known.

Although we were not emotionally involved there was physical contact. We never had sex despite the fact she was very sexually aggressive with me. I’m not implying I didn’t like her advances, I just wasn’t ready to make the jump. It came to a head so we talked about sex.

During a conversation about our sexual preferences, things got derailed when Julie told me that she liked to have sex with more than one guy at a time. In fact sometimes with several at one time. She wanted to know ¡f that would be ok in our relationship.   Keep Reading, it gets weirder.


SNIP: Some people need to be locked in rooms filled with only cedar chips and moist food.

14 Comments on Julie Swetnick Has a Thing for Group Sex With Morbidly Obese People

  1. Some people need to be locked in rooms filled with only cedar chips and moist food.

    Do you have any idea what that does to naked skin? I mean all over?

    Oh. And, uh… Asking for a friend.

  2. Read the whole thing, it was morbidly interesting and quite sad (for the guy telling it).

    Clearly Julie is an attention whore, and now it seems she’s just a plain ol’ whore. Allegedly. ;b


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