Angela Merkel allows illegal migrants to stay in Germany – IOTW Report

Angela Merkel allows illegal migrants to stay in Germany

VOE: The SPD and CDU make it official rejected asylum seekers can stay. Their new proposal for “Specialist Workers” will further mix asylum and migration. In this rejected asylum seekers will be able to prevent their deportation if they have found employment. The proposal is set to be passed this Tuesday.

The SPD but also CDU politicians, like the Integration Delegate Annette Wildmann-Mauz, were calling for this change. Rejected unskilled asylum seekers will be able to gain access faster to safe residency permits. The name of the law for specialist workers vs. unskilled workers should not be overlooked here.

The coalition stated that the lines between asylum and employment migration will not be blurred. But the distinction for accepted refugees is none existent already. They have complete access to the job market and have a right to permanent residency after three or five years depending on their degree of integration.  read more

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