Mark Meadows: ‘Strong Suggestion’ That Undercover FBI Sources Taped Trump Campaign – IOTW Report

Mark Meadows: ‘Strong Suggestion’ That Undercover FBI Sources Taped Trump Campaign

Daily Caller:

North Carolina Rep. Mark Meadows said Wednesday that there is a “strong suggestion” that undercover FBI sources secretly taped members of the Trump campaign.

“Now whether that was a confidential human source taping an individual, that’s what I believe it is, but it’s important that we look at this because the whole narrative of ‘Spygate’ and tapping and all of that have been narratives that are out there but unproven,” Meadows, the chairman of the House Freedom Caucus, told Hill.TV.

“There’s a strong suggestion that confidential human sources actually taped members within the Trump campaign,” the Republican continued. “There is strong suggestions in that some of the text messages, emails, and so forth who was involved, that extraordinary measures were used to surveil.”

Meadows, a member of the House Committee on Oversight and Government Reform, did not specify what information he has seen. But the Department of Justice has recently provided documents about the FBI’s investigation to several House committees, including Oversight and the House Judiciary Committee.

Republicans on both committees have formed a task force of sorts aimed at investigating possible FBI abuse of the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act (FISA).

The FBI obtained four FISA warrants against former Trump campaign adviser Carter Page. The applications for the four spy warrants show that the FBI relied heavily on the unverified Steele dossier to make the case that Page was acting as a foreign agent of Russia.  read more

5 Comments on Mark Meadows: ‘Strong Suggestion’ That Undercover FBI Sources Taped Trump Campaign

  1. Anyone thinking that the FBI is only rotten at the top isn’t looking hard enough. I think they are corrupt through and through.
    There are ample examples of as much anywhere you look.
    They’d be better off dissolving the organization rather than try to fix. They are a tool of corrupt politicians and a danger to a free republic.

  2. @organ grinder: Birds of a feather comes to mind. People hire and promote those who think like them. Since it’s impossible to fire federal employees, the good ones leave forced out by the vile and unethical. Why should FBI be any different than the IRS, VA or EPA?

  3. I feel about the post Obama FBI the same way I have felt about the post Vatican II Jesuits when I said back in the 1990’s: In my opinion every Goddamned one of them should be excommunicated en masse and the only have the order lifted on an individual basis and only after a thorough and exhaustive vetting.


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