1. Partisan venom? Ranting? Uncontrolled rage? Acting upset? I’m also rethinking my support for Kavanaugh – these MSM dunderheads are describing a left wing liberal perfectly.

  2. Judging by all the perfect hair on these men of a certain age, you had to be loud to be heard above the blow-dryers. I speak authoritatively as a fellow member of the Conair Generation.

  3. Democraps don’t need to worry about BK being loud, it’s when he gets quiet you should be concerned. If I had lived a exemplary life since marriage and was accused without any tangible proof with fabricated lies like BK I would be in jail right now, probably for two or three life terms.
    No, I do not have a judicial temperament, unless you consider Judge Roy Bean a fair justice.

  4. When I was a freshman in college and living in a 4 winged,3 story dorm, there was a wall just inside the bathroom door. If a specifically cut 2×4 was put behind the door and the door was allowed to slowly close as the board dropped to the floor then no-one could access the bathroom until the custodial staff figured out how to take off the door, which they couldn’t. There was no place to shit or shower for 24 hours…..I blame Christine Blasey Ford….

    It was almost perfect except one of the girls dorms had some broad putting on her makeup at 3 am…I still blame Christine Blasy Ford….

  5. Their new mantra – TEMPERAMENT. How can you even go there when you have paid protestors sent out by the Democrats/Soros running wild with ‘men are trash’ t-shirts, chasing down GOP senators in their own congressional halls, blowing rape whistles and screaming like lunatics. Not to mention those senate judiciary dems that also screamed and shouted and the dems are going to continue to show their own temperament during the upcoming 30 hours of ‘debate’ prior to the vote.

  6. The only things that matter in this process are Kavanaugh’s decisions and writings. He is about as mainstream conservative as you can be in that area. Highly respected for his scholarship and reasoning – even by those who do not like the decisions of the Court. That is what worries the left – that he will be influential among his peers. No one worries that he might assault Sotomayor or hold a kegger in chambers.

  7. That video makes me mad. A bunch of lame jackasses all butt hurt because Brett got angry over being charged with false criminal allegations. Brett got mad because of the lies being told about him in a public setting. Nationally televised. Brett got mad because of a bunch of lying liars trying to destroy his life his family his career. According to the lying jackasses Brett displayed the wrong temperament. The left is beyond my comprehension. They are evil.


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