James Baker Testimony: DNC Lawyers Met With FBI Officials Prior to October 2016 FISA Application – IOTW Report

James Baker Testimony: DNC Lawyers Met With FBI Officials Prior to October 2016 FISA Application

CTH: The DOJ-NSD and FBI are holding a press conference today at 9:30am.  The topic is unknown, but the timing coincides with a document production subpoena from the House Judiciary Committee for McCabe Memos, the “Woods File” supporting the Carter Page FISA application, and Gang-of-Eight documents on the Russia investigation.

In related news, former FBI chief legal counsel, James Baker, delivered testimony to the Joint House Committee yesterday in the ongoing investigation of corrupt FISA processes and “spy-gate”.   Fox News and The Hill both have reports.

There has been some speculation James Baker is a willing/cooperating witness within this ongoing investigation. I would urge skepticism and caution toward that view.  Baker is currently a participating member of Lawfare; he is not likely to testify in opposition to his DOJ and FBI ideological allies despite their corrupt activity.  Indeed, Mr. Baker attended the closed-door hearing with lawyers to protect all interests, including James Baker.

One of the more interesting leaks from the testimony is found in a report from John Solomon of The Hill where he outlines a Jim Baker admission that lawyers from the DNC (Perkins Coie) met with FBI officials in the run-up to the Carter Page FISA application used against the Trump campaign.  MORE HERE

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