Brooklyn College professor under fire for “satirical” blog post defending Kavanaugh – IOTW Report

Brooklyn College professor under fire for “satirical” blog post defending Kavanaugh

WaTimes: An associate professor of business at Brooklyn College is facing calls to resign after he issued a “satirical” essay in defending Supreme Court nominee Judge Brett M. Kavanaugh that argued “sexual assault” is a rite of passage for young males.

Mitchell Langbert wrote a Sept. 27 blog post calling Democrats the “party of tutu-wearing pansies, totalitarian sissies” who use have used “anonymity and defamation” in trying to bring down a conservative judge, who strongly denies all allegations of sexual misconduct.

“If someone did not commit sexual assault in high school, then he is not a member of the male sex,” Mr. Langbert argued. “The Democrats have discovered that 15-year-olds play spin-the-bottle, and they have jumped on a series of supposed spin-the-bottle crimes during Kavanaugh’s minority, which they characterize as rape, although no one complained or reported any crime for 40 years.”

The blog post has outraged students, prompting a protest to take place Thursday afternoon. Corrinne Greene said her campus group, Young Progressives of America, wants the professor fired. read more


4 Comments on Brooklyn College professor under fire for “satirical” blog post defending Kavanaugh

  1. @Meerkat Brzezinski – It struck me that you are both right and wrong at the same time (mostly right). Much of what goes on on college campuses is laughably stupid, though, thus there is indeed humor there, and The Onion’s writers and other satirists are having a mighty hard time thinking up satire more outlandish than the truth about modern educational insanity.

  2. Since knuckleheads like Michael Moore kidding themselves presenting their comedy as satire, have never been edumacated or read Mark Twain or Will Rodgers. Just as their Edumacators have taught them. Sorry, more to the point, Gilbert Gottfried telling Ford Fairlane ‘you Bensonhurst POS’.

  3. @Uncle Al, I have a daughter in college now. And she tells me don’t joke about so many things it’s just hard to keep track of. She’s a freshman and just figuring it out. And we come from a family that jokes around a lot.
    They don’t give a $hit about the onion. The Onion is not in their weboshere.


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