John Kerry: Chappaquiddick is okay because Ted Kennedy ‘owned up’ to it – IOTW Report

John Kerry: Chappaquiddick is okay because Ted Kennedy ‘owned up’ to it

American Thinker: In 1969, John Kerry accused the U.S. military of terrorism and war crimes in Vietnam.  In 2003, Kerry described the U.S. military in Iraq as terrorists.

This week, Kerry appeared on CNN’s The Lead with Jake Tapper to peddle his new book, Every Day Is Extra.  Kerry took time off from trying to undermine U.S. policy toward Iran and playing with his yacht to inform us that Teddy Kennedy, also known as Teddy the Swimmer,  “owned up” to Chappaquiddick:

He stood up and owned moments where he knew he’d stepped over the line, so I think that – and he wasn’t about to be nominated to a lifetime position, in fact, he said to the people of Massachusetts, if you think I shouldn’t stay here, then, you know – he took those returns and then he was elected another six times.

Leaving Mary Jo Kopechne in a submerged car to die, while Teddy waited about ten hours before reporting to the police, is known to Kerry as “stepping over the line.”  If you drive while intoxicated into a pond, leaving a woman in the car to die of asphyxiation, and wait ten hours to call the police, you should be charged with manslaughter, homicide by vehicle while intoxicated, driving under the influence, and other crimes.  But Teddy pleaded guilty only to leaving the scene of an accident, with a suspended two-month jail sentence.  more here

19 Comments on John Kerry: Chappaquiddick is okay because Ted Kennedy ‘owned up’ to it

  1. No thanks to Jimma Carta who commuted Kerry’s (and many others) transgressions during the Vietnam War so we’ll never know the real status of his DD-214 (his discharge papers). The bastard is and always will be a traitor. And for Ted Kennedy who was the slimiest of all the Kennedy brothers he got what he deserved when he croaked, neither of these jerks do I have the slightest sympathy for. The democraps pure and simple are the party of corruption with the gutless, weenie RINO”s one step behind. I despise both of them.

  2. One of the original Swift Boaters is from my town.

    I grew up with his two younger brothers.

    Larry absolutely despises and hates Kerry with a flaming hot passion for the horse faced democrat ‘hero’.

  3. He married two rich women and had them both committed settling with the first woman’s family and , thanks to a dead Republican inheritance, is noted by The Left as a successful business man..scum he is..sort of similar to Hillary being a genius at commodity trading..

  4. So much absolute evil in the world, are we finally in the “end times”? How much worse can it get? If not war with Iran, thanks to the EU and Kerry, then WWIII with China and Russia. With the evil bastards in the senate and press lying and scheming, nobodies aware of what’s going on in the world.


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