The New Unemployment Rate Under President Trump Is 3.7 percent [Lowest rate since ’69] – IOTW Report

The New Unemployment Rate Under President Trump Is 3.7 percent [Lowest rate since ’69]

DC: The U.S. economy added 134,000 jobs in September, falling under experts’ expectations by 46,000, according to Friday’s jobs numbers from the Bureau of Labor Statistics.

The unemployment rate fell 0.2 points to 3.7 percent, matching the lowest rate since 1969. Economists expected the rate to drop slightly to 3.8 percent, according to The Wall Street Journal. August’s jobs numbers were revised upward from 201,000 to 270,000.  more here

11 Comments on The New Unemployment Rate Under President Trump Is 3.7 percent [Lowest rate since ’69]

  1. Anyone notice that the numbers were always “adjusted” in the other direction for the jug eared, purple lipped community organizer previously?

    Or do I have it wrong?

  2. Last week I was talking to the CEO of a large, regional staffing company (Seattle area) and she said, “Abigail, I’ve been in this business since the early ’80s, and I’ve never seen anything like this! We get an average of 100(!) new job orders a day! It was never like this even at the height of the dotcom era in the ’90s!” Her organization employs about 20 full time recruiters and their sector is HR, operational admin, call centers and the like. I was really surprised, given Seattle’s job saturation point.

    (I guess I shouldn’t worry about a dip in real estate prices here.)

  3. “WARNING! High-jack of thread…

    Since you’re employed now…

    As I’ve put on a previous thread there’s a young gentleman who is deserving of your consideration on a go fund me page listed below.

    ( My previous comments: nineth, tenth and twelfth comment)

    He has recently reduced his target which I find to be a mistake, because as a young family man, neither he nor any of his family have ever gone “under the knife.” I have numerous times and am here to tell you the cost of his end is far beyond anything he understands (perhaps at least four times his goal). There’s a longer story regarding complications that add to this, but I won’t add those but instead say, I hope you might look at the page.

    Going forward, I’m also adding the address to my signature here and on any thread that I comment on. While I realize I’m not as prolific or high on the site pecking order as some, I will update and/or stop when we reach something close to conclusion on his treatment. Yes there are perhaps thousands of deserving people out there including some here, so if you can’t give please consider passing on the address of the gofundme page.

    Also thinking Mr. Big can give you my e-mail address if you want that and have questions…

    If I’m out of bounds here, put me in IOTW jail and delete this…

  4. My understanding is that when the unemployment rates falls to below 5% you effectively have full employment. The rate quoted represents people recently retired, people going back to school and left their jobs and people who have left one job to go to another but haven’t started and several other reasons. I’m not sure if that’s still valid in this day and age but it still is a fine accomplishment.

  5. The ’69 # is grossly distorted. We had several million in the military; almost 700,000 in Nam!

    No unemployment #’s after the invasion 1/63 are valid in a no draft economy!

    for you young uns many say this is why JFK invaded. The GOP complained VERY LOUD why are we drafting 10,000 men a month? there is now war! After 1963 there was a war. the invasion was a big op – over 250,000 sailors and the entire 1st Mar Div. Chu Lai. I was in Dhu Lai 3 timeline 67 + once ’68. Not hearsay; direct personal knowledge

    BobbyMac (45 years later) said the reason was related; but not the draft per say.

  6. The direction of the numbers is good. The magnitude of the numbers — and what they claim to count — is as fake as the “news”. For the same, the exact same, reasons.

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