Video shows celebrities asking cops to be arrested at Kavanaugh protest – IOTW Report

Video shows celebrities asking cops to be arrested at Kavanaugh protest

Daily Caller:

[…] The police began politely asking the protesters if they wished to get arrested. The protesters had time to confer with one another and think about it. The officers were patient, but eventually separated the protesters who wished to be arrested from the ones who did not. During this calm separation process by the police, this reporter witnessed Schumer and Ratajkowski verbally ask to be arrested. Here is video of this happening:

15 Comments on Video shows celebrities asking cops to be arrested at Kavanaugh protest

  1. Wouldn’t it be resisting arrest or interfering with an officer in performance of his duties if a protester didn’t answer right away when asked if he wanted to be arrested?

    If so, that would open up some interesting possibilities…

  2. First come, first served.
    It is total BS to ask, then separate those who do, or don’t ‘wish to be arrested.’ A good cop would have first arrested the ones who did not ‘wish’ to be so- the others would just wait for their ‘opportunity.’ They were all breaking a law, and this is selective enforcement. And it is profiling as well- ‘celebrities’ go to the head of the line. msm appreciates it too, as they get their prime footage early.
    VETO beto

  3. It’s amazing that these “people” don’t realize how damn pathetic they appear to normal Americans. The left has gone totally nuts. Trump has unleashed the crazies!

  4. I would have arrested Schumer and Ratajkowski and thrown them into a secluded cell with Bill Clinton, Jeffrey Epstein, Corey Booker and any two male members of the Kennedy clan. Of course, the problem may have been getting these ladies to leave.

  5. Smart move on the part of the police. Knowing that someone was capturing the exchange on camera, it gave the police a chance to refute any false narrative the protestors may try to present about being “oppressed” or otherwise treated unfairly.

  6. I see Amy is still on the Rosy O’Donnel diet plan. She could lose 20 pounds just from her jowls. Are we sure she is Chuck’s neice? She looks more like Barney Frank in drag.


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