Italian Populists to Draft ‘Difficult’ Italian Citizenship Test – IOTW Report

Italian Populists to Draft ‘Difficult’ Italian Citizenship Test

Breitbart London: The populist anti-mass migration League party has proposed creating a “difficult” citizenship test for prospective Italian citizens so that migrants can demonstrate their integration into society along with Italian language proficiency.

The test would be the latest in a long battle against the concept of Jus Soli, or birthright citizenship, which the party has long opposed. The new values exam would also make it harder to gain citizenship and qualify for the proposed basic income programme that has been a major pillar of policy of the League’s coalition partner, the Five Star Movement, Il Giornale reports.

The League released a draft law for the new test this week which said: “Citizenship should be the conclusion of a process that leads the foreigner to perfect integration with the territory and with the citizens and not a simple administrative act totally disconnected from any social context.”  more here

5 Comments on Italian Populists to Draft ‘Difficult’ Italian Citizenship Test

  1. Place your hand, fingers extended under your chin then quickly sweep your hand up and away from your face. While doing this loudly repeat the word “Fungu!…..repeat as necessary. Congratulations you are now an Italian citizen.


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