Iran’s Khamenei Uses #MeToo Movement to Promote the Hijab – IOTW Report

Iran’s Khamenei Uses #MeToo Movement to Promote the Hijab

Try that one on for size, Hollywood. LOL.


The Jewish News reports: Iran’s supreme leader, Ali Khamenei, has a solution for all the #MeToo angst — the hijab. The video he attaches to the tweet below runs through a number of prominent American women describing their experience of assault.

Aly Raisman, the Olympic gold medal-winning gymnast, is shown at the start of the 2-minute video. The clip then segues into her testimony at the sentencing of the Olympic team doctor, Larry Nassar, who molested dozens of women and girls.  more here

6 Comments on Iran’s Khamenei Uses #MeToo Movement to Promote the Hijab

  1. Or we could do like the muzzies do and just kill the women who claim they were sexually assaulted. That would make the problem go away, wouldn’t it Ayatollah? (/sarc)

    Why are leftists so much like Muslims and vice versa?

  2. “The hijab gives women freedom and identity?”

    So violently forcing women to cover every inch of themselves is freedom?

    And demanding they all look identical like penguins is identity?

    Oh, I get it…so it’s the same as when you call islam a religion of peace. Or even a religion for that matter.


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