Bolton’s outline for U.S. counterterrorism sharply contrasts with Obama era – IOTW Report

Bolton’s outline for U.S. counterterrorism sharply contrasts with Obama era


Unveiling the new U.S. counterterrorism strategy on Thursday, President Trump’s top security aide outlined a dramatic break with the Obama administration of how America should confront the threat, explicitly framing terrorism as an ideological war within Islam.

National Security Adviser John R. Bolton said the 25-page document argues that terrorism now occurs on a “landscape more fluid and complex than ever,” but that the U.S. must confront first and foremost the ideology of “radical Islamist militants” and the threat in particular from Iran.

“‘This is not the Obama administration’ would be my message to Iran and anybody else,” Mr. Bolton said during conference call with reporters on the new analysis.

The counterterrorism strategy is the first update since the Obama administration’s 2011 plan, which came before the rise of Islamic State focused heavily on defeating al Qaeda.  read more

5 Comments on Bolton’s outline for U.S. counterterrorism sharply contrasts with Obama era

  1. I think that rather than spending money we don’t have to fight a war we can’t win:
    =withdraw all troops, weapons, equipment, etc. Anything we can’t bring back, blow up in place.
    =withdraw all foreign aid of every kind. If the governments there want pur aid, they can buy it.
    =let the people over there fight their own fights. Let the whole area collapse.
    =we need to drill for all our own oil, gas, and other energy. No more oil from the ME.
    =use the troops that are brought back from the ME to search for, find, and deport (BRING UP THE TREBUCHETS) those that are here illegally: illegal aliens, expired visas, expired H1B visas, refugees here on a provisional basis who have broken our laws (yeah, I’m looking at YOU, muzzies). That shouldn’t be breaking Posse Comitatus, since the military won’t be used against US citizens.

    That should help.

  2. “sharply contrasts with obama era”
    “explicitly framing terrorism as an ideological war within Islam.”

    Yeah howdy.
    Even W seemed to like obama’s mooselimb policy as much as he likes Mooch


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