3 Minutes of Democratic Hypocrisy on the FBI – IOTW Report

3 Minutes of Democratic Hypocrisy on the FBI


WFB: Senate Democrats have railed against the FBI investigation of Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh since the final report was released Thursday, despite their prior claims that the bureau is a premier law enforcement agency beyond reproach.

The FBI on Thursday wrapped up a probe into sexual misconduct allegations against Kavanaugh that Democrats had demanded for weeks. The White House ordered the investigation after pressure from Senate Republicans who were on the fence about the judge’s confirmation. The report did not find corroborating evidence for the allegations against Kavanaugh, which the judge staunchly denies.

Democrats blasted the FBI in the aftermath of the report, with some even calling it a “cover-up” and saying the bureau’s reputation is in tatters.  more

h/t Aunt Liz.

19 Comments on 3 Minutes of Democratic Hypocrisy on the FBI

  1. And Da Nang Dick can go outside and play hide and go screw himself. Maybe we’ll get lucky and he’ll cut himself on a C Ration can like his traitorous pal Lurch Kerry and expire of a venereal disease.

  2. Jesus, suffering Christ, what can You do to help these people? Oh, I forgot, they don’t believe in You. None of them do. But I do. As a favor, would You send them all a little message? Like a broken ankle,a mild heart attack, a car accident, nothing really serious, but something that would fuck up their day or week. You know what I mean. We don’t need a flood yet, nor an Arc.
    But Hirono, Gillibrand ,Harris, Feinstein, Durbin, Schumer, Da Nang Blumenthal, and several others need to be vilified. Hey JC, remember they all love to abort babies. Just askin.’ Give ’em a smack. MAGA

  3. I’m trying to get this clear in my noggin.
    First The demogs accuse the Repubs of trying to destroy the FBI.
    Then the Demogs ask for an FBI investigation into Kavanaugh/Ford, stating that the FBI is well equipped and the best in the world to do this investigation.
    The FBI did an investigation and found stugots.
    Then the Demogs want us to believe that the FBI sucks; they did not do a full investigation????
    Please gimmeafuckingbreakforfucksake!

  4. I am not a creative person by any stretch of the imagination. However I can appreciate the hell out of political videos like the one from the 2016 election, all the libs laughing at Trump, then having conniptions the night of the election.

    I am so looking forward to the inevitable glorious offerings coming out in the next week, it’s like a much anticipated sequel.

  5. Da Nang Dick reminds me of those click bait ads that say:
    He was a rising star before the plastic surgery, see him before and after.
    What is it with Mazie’s face, did her mother use a shovel as a pacifier?


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