James Woods emerges from Twitter jail – IOTW Report

James Woods emerges from Twitter jail

Don’t worry, prison hasn’t changed him at all.


James Woods emerges from Twitter jail swinging. How he got out, and why we missed him so much .

Actor James Woods — who was released from Twitter jail after a two-week lockdown of his account — said he will not stop expressing his politically conservative views because of “Twitter’s bias or liberal insanity in general.”

Woods tweeted: “So Twitter sent an unsolicited email explaining THEY would delete the ‘offending’ tweet for which I was locked out and which I refused to delete. As a conservative, I am not about to walk on eggshells because of Twitter’s bias or liberal insanity in general.”

Woods was locked out of his account on September 22 over a meme he had tweeted on July 20.

The “offending” Twitter meme mocked leftist soy-boys who shamelessly pander to militant feminists by directing men not to vote in the midterm elections.

Woods explained that his tweet was a joke meme. Nonetheless, Twitter suspended the award-winning actor and locked him out of his account, saying the tweet “has the potential to be misleading in a way that could impact an election.”

Frankly, if you’re stupid enough to think that ridiculous meme was real, you don’t deserve to vote. And you should stay off Twitter.  more

7 Comments on James Woods emerges from Twitter jail

  1. Call me a conspiracy theorist but, doesn’t it seem odd that Mr. Woods gets put in Twitjail when the SCOTUS scam heats up and then gets paroled after the scam gets exposed and blown out of the water??

    Inquiring minds…?

  2. If a sufficient number of people on Twitter re-tweeted that meme, they wouldn’t have enough un-banned people left on the site to stay in business.

    It would be a shame if that happened.

    Yessir, a downright crying shame.

  3. I been suspended for 3 months now. Never got the reason why.Being PRO TRUMP I am sure didn’t help.A friend told me about GAB.com I don’t miss twitter. Just wish Trump would make the switch.

  4. Orchestrated mayhem on Twitter and other social media, unlike the violent mayhem perpetrated by commies.
    Like it!
    Get them where they live.
    An idea whose time has definitely come.


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