Florida Senate race takes ugly turn when Rick Scott accuses Sen. Nelson of ‘slanderous’ attack on his wife – IOTW Report

Florida Senate race takes ugly turn when Rick Scott accuses Sen. Nelson of ‘slanderous’ attack on his wife

BPR: It’s safe to say that the gloves are off in the tight U.S. Senate race in Florida, with incumbent Democratic Sen. Bill Nelson drawing the ire of his opponent, Gov. Rick Scott, for suggesting his wife, Florida first lady Ann Scott, can’t manage her own finances.

Scott took to Twitter to blast Nelson for the “slanderous attacks,” coming from the party that claims to support women.

“.@SenBillNelson regarding your slanderous attacks on me & my wife- do you think my wife can’t manage her money without me? Do you think a woman can’t manage her own money? It’s disgusting you’d accuse us of breaking the law– you’re so desperate to remain a career politician.

At issue is an Associated Press report that some investments made by his wife mirror investments made through a blind trust the multimillionaire governor set up when he took office in 2011 to shield him from potential conflicts of interest charges while in office.

“The governor’s blind trust is managed by an independent financial professional who decides what assets are bought, sold or changed,” Gov. Scott’s spokeswoman, Lauren Schenone, told The Associated Press.

Schenone added that “the governor does not discuss the first lady’s investments with her or her financial advisers.”

But Nelson’s campaign seized on the dubious report to target Scott, who’s proving to be quite the formidable opponent.  MORE

17 Comments on Florida Senate race takes ugly turn when Rick Scott accuses Sen. Nelson of ‘slanderous’ attack on his wife

  1. Flipping that seat from D to R would be a Very Good Thing. Even though I’m no fan of Scott, I voted for him yesterday when I filled out my absentee/mail-in ballot. It was an easy decision, made even easier by the fact that Nelson is a despicable idiot.

    I voted a straight R ticket, because Trump.

  2. @Tony R – I seem to recall Bad_Brad saying something a couple of weeks ago about having a lot of work coming in, and also at least once in the past he sat out for a while when his wife pointed out how much time he was spending here. As valuable as iOTWreport is, it has to take second place to running a business! I do hope he’s all right and is simply very busy.

  3. re: Bad_Brad. He said many times that his business tanked when obomba was in office but mentioned a lot of new business coming in. Hopefully he is real busy with work.

  4. Florida’s 2 senators are Rubio {the little punk queer who I’ll never vote for again} and the piece of shit Nelson who’s parasitic ass needs to be driven out.
    I can’t tolerate the phony country bumpkin act put on by Nelson, he’s hard left and a pimple on the ass of progress.

  5. @grool – I agree with the others here. DeSantis has his flaws but he’s a jewel compared to hyperliberal turd Gillum.

    Unless you’re in the “the lesser of two evils is still evil” camp, DeSantis is the clear choice. (I’m not knocking the “still evil” people, having been one for a long time myself.)

  6. I’m voting straight R this time, just needed the meat on DeSantis. The other guy, I think I heard he’s promised he’ll jack taxes if he gets in. I know lots of Floridians are crazy, I just don’t yet know how many of them are also stupid.

  7. Desantis and Scott all the way. If we want to keep Florida great and #1 they are the only choice. I hope someone runs against Rubio next time that is a real conservative because I get sick having to vote for him…


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