Reminder – You Can’t Vote if You don’t Register – IOTW Report

Reminder – You Can’t Vote if You don’t Register

Many Deadlines are Fast Approaching.  If you have moved residences since the last election you may need to re-register.    These mid-terms are important.  Details @ Conservative Treehouse.

7 Comments on Reminder – You Can’t Vote if You don’t Register

  1. No.

    Conservatives don’t need to be reminded of their civic duties. It’s only the left. Morons. Stoners. Idiots and Vagenda driven crazy types who need to be reminded to register.


    You really want the future of this nation decided by people who don’t even know how to register?


  2. Just got my sample ballot. I really hope Cox can take governor of CA but I sure haven’t seen much effort. I will vote for Ted Lieu as my congressman because I think he will do more for the GOP than his Republican competitor! 🙂 And because he is going to win anyway.

  3. Hopefully the armchair Conservatives in my state will get out and defeat Tim Kaine, Spanberger, and others.

    Rob Wittman is a shoe-in, if you contact him and request communications, he will send you surveys along how to vote on issues, and updates of what he is doing.

    Nice job. Of course he gets my vote. 🙂


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