
18 Comments on VICTORY!

  1. to those idiots banging on the door : “Elections have consequences”- B.H. Obama. “A Republic, if you can keep it”- Ben Franklin. The United States is not run by the Mob Rule of Bullies. And that is exactly what these Stoopid people want, to rule by the Loudest Bullies in the room.

  2. The left is totally out of wack. I don’t think I should be made to live under their rule, because they want us all to live on some other planet. Its like living with a room with a poisonous snake, never knowing what is next.

  3. On Saturday, Trump showed Milano “Who’s The Boss”!

    But that “clawing at the 10-ton metal (secured) Supreme Court doors with her bare hands” clip IS A KEEPER!

  4. Those women clawing at the doors, reminds me of how a young campaign worker must have felt, abandoned in the back of a certain Oldsmobile by the Democrat driver.
    Sadly, Mary Jo Kopechne, could not be reached for comment.

  5. People are PRESUMED innocent until PROVEN guilty when they appear before judges and juries in our country. I hope that Justice Kavanaugh is shortly joined on the Supreme Court by another Justice replacing these vandals’ beloved, but senile, Justice Ginsburg. Then, the mob can display their irrational behavior and lack of appreciation of the Constitution of the United States of American again. Apparently, they can’t handle the truth that elections really do have wonderful consequences. God speed, Justice Brett Kavanaugh.

  6. I don’t wish an early death often, McCain being the first, in my memory.
    Everybody is talking about the expected cooling of RBG.
    I would like to point out, Soto is a 64 yo, obese, poorly controlled diabetic, jus sayin’.
    6 years is a long time, wouldn’t it be yuge if President Trump got 4?
    Has that ever happened?

  7. OWN the libs (a good rallying call by Dan Bongino)

    “Own the Libs. Never back down. These people are not interested in anything more than state power at your expense. Appeasement will not work. When they’re ready to return to civility we’re all ears but there is exactly zero evidence that’s going happen as the Left grows increasingly deranged. I’m sorry if this offends you. I’m sorry if you’ve been misled into thinking the old rules still apply. They don’t. The new rules are now in effect. We didn’t ask for this fight, they did. But now they’ve awoken the sleeping giant. Own the Libs.”


  8. Notice to all the peon Deepers: Your Dem/Deep State masters are quit content to let you rot in jail when you get caught. Soros will not be sending a fleet of lawyers to rescue you. Only the elites get that. Think about that the next time you get caught up in the moment and plan a hack or leak to please your masters. You are expendable. The Dems ripped Trump for suggesting that McCain was not a hero because he got caught, but they all believe that, too.

  9. Ben Shapiro (OK, I know he’s not everybody’s favorite here) has an excellent opinion column on Fox News today, reaming out the Hollywood Hypocrites for their stand against Kavanaugh.

    The man is good. I think he will eventually love Trump like the rest of us do.

  10. I like his videos and his message. He is like a more subdued ‘Drinking with Bob’ (What’s next, what’s next, what’s next?) guy.

    I heard that he became a teacher. I hope he is doing fine.

    Keep up the good work, Mark Dice!


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