Seattle removes plants instead of dealing with homeless – IOTW Report

Seattle removes plants instead of dealing with homeless

MyNorthwest: The homeless community in Lake City is plaguing the business community by using the planters as beds and toilets. But rather than sweep the homeless, the city is removing the planters — the latest manifestation of a policy that punishes tax-payers, while giving a pass to people who refuse help.

KIRO 7 reports a group of homeless people are terrorizing shoppers at nearby businesses, like the Grocery Outlet in Lake City.

“I’ve had numbers of customers come up to me and say, ‘Love to shop at your store but I won’t come back because I don’t feel safe, I can’t bring my children,’” Mike Sandberg, the owner, told KIRO. “The residents here were pooping on the sidewalk, behind Papa Murphy’s and the stairwells back there and creating a health hazard.”

“They can be agitated and aggressive,” shopper Majid Namini explained. Another, Paul Heistand, told KIRO “If you don’t give them what they want sometimes they get kind of angry and sometimes they will just scream at you.”  more here

15 Comments on Seattle removes plants instead of dealing with homeless

  1. Our local civic “leaders” had a similar problem with the homeless. Their solution was to place porta pottys in a downtown park where The lowlifes congregate and deficate. I watched a bum drop his pants and pinch a loaf within 200 feet of the outhouse.

  2. Oh gawd, please leave those people alone. If Lake City voters wake up, turn away from democrat party, and clamp down on drug addicted bums, the bums will come to Portland. We already have too many problems with worthless bums, most of whom were elected.

  3. Two days ago driving to downtown Seattle on I-5, right next to the freeway, a woman had her pants and underwear pulled down doing her “business”. Seattle has been ruled by democrats for far too long. And quite sadly it will probably remain that way.


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