We’ll Remember In November – IOTW Report

We’ll Remember In November

Kurt Schlichter: This Kavanaugh Witch Hunt Is Radicalizing Us Normals.

When you get a call from a fellow hardcore conservative and, his voice bristling with uncertainty and confusion, he confesses “I, I love the new Lindsey Graham,” you know something is up. Even McCain’s MiniMe, who has rarely passed up an opportunity to irritate us battlecons, can’t stomach this garbage slander from his garbage colleagues.

The fact is that this whole disgusting Brett Kavanaugh grift has radicalized both Normals who usually avoid politics (thereby demonstrating their wisdom) and alleged conservatives who have been living in a fantasy world where our opponents were good faith friends who just disagree with us on some issues. TheCirque de Kavanaugh disgrace put an end to that comforting delusion.

If only someone had written a hilarious book about how Normal Americans woke up to the fact that the people who presume to lead our society hate our guts. Oh wait, I have. It’s called Militant Normals: How Regular Americans Are Rebelling Against the Elite to Reclaim Our Democracy and I can swear in it, which is necessary to adequately describe the people attempting to destroy the foundations of our freedom to secure their grubby little slice of the pie. And this attack on Kavanaugh, which Normals rightly see is an attack on them, has cranked the tune that started with electing Trump to ear-shattering volume.

Why, look at the polls. Can you hear us now, libs?

Some of us were already there. Some of us always saw the lies. Some of us always saw the fraud that was the elite’s alleged concern for things like due process. But some of us wanted to believe in the good faith of our opponents despite all the mounting evidence. Some of us were suckers.   more

3 Comments on We’ll Remember In November

  1. All the left has succeeded in doing is give more evidence that we’ve been right about them all along, as well as with their RINO buddies.
    Absolutely nothing has changed, only reinforced.
    Blue wave, my ass.
    Red Tsunami, bitches.


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