President Trump accepts Nikki Haley’s resignation as UN ambassador – IOTW Report

President Trump accepts Nikki Haley’s resignation as UN ambassador

President Trump accepted Nikki Haley’s resignation as UN ambassador, Fox News has confirmed. It’s unclear why Haley resigned. The former governor of South Carolina was confirmed as UN Ambassador four days after Trump was inaugurated in January 2017. Trump is expected to speak at the Oval Office at 10:30 a.m.  — FOX




26 Comments on President Trump accepts Nikki Haley’s resignation as UN ambassador

  1. There’s one report that watchdog group CREW has requested an investigation into Haley’s acceptance of free flights on private aircraft. Then again, Trump’s team is well known for being “title fluid”. Something else perhaps for Ambassador Haley?

  2. I hate to see her leave that post. I loved seeing her put the facts in the faces of the crooked UN. Her strength and straight talk was refreshing and accomplished a lot.

    If Pompeo wasn’t doing such a good job, I would say SoS.

  3. Jennifer Jacobs

    · 11m
    Replying to @JenniferJJacobs
    TRUMP says Haley “has been very special to me” and “is a fantastic person.”

    Hate to lose her, he says.

    She can come back in any capacity, he says.

    Jennifer Jacobs

    HALEY: “No, I’m not running in 2020.”

    She says she will campaign for TRUMP in 2020.

    ”It has been the honor of a lifetime” to be UN ambassador, she says.

    10:47 AM – Oct 9, 2018

    I’m not watching the live feed, but it doesn’t sound like she’s leaving tomorrow.
    She’s leaving end of the year.

  4. Ann Thracts – To be replaced by Lindsey Graham?

    I interpret sarcasm. Yes, no?
    Say it isn’t so! Ain’t no reason under the sun to trust that man who managed to perform well for a couple of days regarding Kavenaugh, after years of betrayal to the GOP and Conservatives.

  5. Bombards Body Language has a great video of Lindsey Graham at McStains funeral. He was watched like a hawk by Mattis and Kelly not realizing at first that their eyes were upon him. Graham is a snake.

  6. There are certain jobs that one should be rotated out of after a certain period. Like detectives working on serial killers, child molesters; working at the UN, rubbing shoulders with the world’s biggest scumbags; being a press secretary at the WH in this day and age, etc. These jobs take a toll on any normal human. I expect that Sarah Sanders will call it a day soon. Nikki Haley and Sarah Sanders are great Americans and deserve our utmost respect.

  7. Fox is still pushing the narrative that there “must have been” conflict between Haley and PDJT as the rest of the MSM will also say. The other question Fox posed was why didn’t Haley wait until AFTER the mid-terms to announce? They’ll beat this to death for days.

  8. President Trump will either leave her post empty because the USA will leave the UN, kick them out and use the building for the VA Administration and Hospital.


    Appoint Dr. Gorka to replace her.


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