Short pants are an offense to islam – IOTW Report

Short pants are an offense to islam

Well, that is unless little boys are wearing them.

Breitbart: A Saudi Arabian Airlines (Saudia) flight denied entry to a man because he was wearing shorts and might offend the sensibilities of observant Muslim passengers.

Jordan Bishop, a contributor to Forbes magazine, said he had intended flying from Jakarta to Istanbul via Riyadh with the national carrier of the Sunni Islam state.

However, when he attempted to board the 4pm flight in the Indonesian capital, he was pulled aside by a member of staff.

He told Forbes the flight attendant explained to him: “You cannot fly with Saudia wearing shorts.” After asking if he could change into trousers, which he didn’t have, he was told he was not allowed onboard. read more

21 Comments on Short pants are an offense to islam

  1. It’s been studied and reported in academic journals that behavior and deportment improve with more modest and conservative attire. I wouldn’t mind seeing other airlines establishing dress codes, too.

    My personal peeve is flip-flops, but that’s a safety issue. I don’t want to be tripping over some slob tripping over his flip-flops in the unlikely event of a cabin evacuation.

  2. @MJA – Good point. I imagine that the most meticulous academic study would not be able to detect any difference in the degree of assholiness between a well-dressed vs a sloppy-dressed mohammadman.

    European and Australian tourists in Orlando theme parks, on the other hand…

  3. Al, you’re old enough to remember how flying used to be. I was a lil’ kid, but I remember. As does Pepperidge Farms…. maybe the lemonade people…. I dunno’…

    The point is, flying was cool. You dressed up for it. They gave you silverware, real food, smokes…

    Flying today is an exercise in mediocrity and angst. But this doesn’t excuse you from acting like an adult.

    If the guy wanted to be taken seriously by the airline, he should have dressed like a serious person instead of some Yurro-tard with his backpack, shorts and 4 day stubble.

  4. @Aaron – Yes, indeed, I do remember. As a boy, my first commercial flight was in 1960. Convair turboprop from Buenos Aires to Montevideo. Men wore suits and ties and shined shoes and hats. Women wore suits, too, with hats and gloves. Children were few because if the parents couldn’t count on civilized behavior, they didn’t bring their sprats.

    My first flight was a year earlier in a military DC-3, different atmosphere entirely. It was a family outing to Iguazú Falls, and the lunatic AF pilot decided all the moms and kiddies could get a much better look at the falls if he flew waaaaay below the minimum altitude limit set because of severe clear air turbulence near the falls. But that’s a story for another day.


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