Could Dina Habib Powell be Nikki Haley’s Successor? – IOTW Report

Could Dina Habib Powell be Nikki Haley’s Successor?


Eight Significant Ties Between Dina Powell and the Clintons.

NEW YORK — President Donald Trump confirmed on Tuesday that he is eying Goldman Sachs executive Dina Habib Powell, his former deputy national security advisor, as one of the main contenders to replace Nikki Haley as U.S. ambassador to the United Nations.

Haley announced her resignation on Tuesday, saying she will officially leave her post at the end of the year. Trump said that he would name Haley’s successor within two to three weeks.

In one of many reports spotlighting Powell, CNBC cited “three people with direct knowledge of the matter” saying senior White House officials already reached out to Powell about the possibility of replacing Haley.

Trump confirmed to reporters outside the White House that he is indeed considering Powell for the soon-to-be vacant UN post. “Dina is certainly a person I would consider and she is under consideration,” Trump said. He added that “there are others. I’ve heard a lot of names.”

Powell has been closely linked to the Clintons, especially through her time at Goldman Sachs, where she returned to work after departing the White House last year.

Below, in no particular order, are seven significant ties between Powell and the Clintons: MORE

SNIP: Nah. I think Trump is just messing with Hillary and the nevertrumpers.

12 Comments on Could Dina Habib Powell be Nikki Haley’s Successor?

  1. Notice how Haley is leaving after the midterms…..

    If we get out and vote….keeping the House and Senate….

    I don’t think Trump45 will appoint another “Bush globalist”….

    or a Clintoonista”….either.

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