The Constitution Won’t Permit a Kavanaugh Impeachment – IOTW Report

The Constitution Won’t Permit a Kavanaugh Impeachment

The Constitution would not permit impeachment of a sitting justice for actions he took while a private citizen 35 years ago.


Sara Carter:

Only a few short days have passed since Brett Kavanaugh was nominated to the Supreme Court, yet Democrats are already calling for his impeachment.  If the Democrats take back the House of Representatives in November, Rep. Jerrold Nadler, the New York Democrat, would be up for the chairmanship of the House Judiciary Committee.  He has publicly suggested an inquiry into Kavanaugh’s background and may look for an avenue for impeachment.

According to Harvard Law School Professor Emeritus Alan Dershowitz, the constitution prevents the impeachment of Kavanaugh.  He said in an interview with Fox News, The Constitution would not permit impeachment of a sitting justice for actions he took while a private citizen 35 years ago, nor would it permit using the laws of perjury, which are very tough.



19 Comments on The Constitution Won’t Permit a Kavanaugh Impeachment

  1. The Law and Constitution will not matter to Democrats. They will do their level best to get rid of him if they get the majority. Even if they fail, they will simply refuse to either confirm or even hold hearings on Trumps next SCOTUS nominee when RBG retires or dies.

  2. Why would anyone in their in their right mind ever wag their weiner in front of Ruth “Buzzy” Ginsburg? She’s probably never been laid in her life and if she was she’s at least a 2 or 3 bagger. Not even Quasimodo would wag his weiner at her, she’s that much of a dog.

  3. Since when have the Jacobins been worried about following the Constitution of the United States of America? The mob will be listening to Citizen Robespierre, or Spartacus Booker, or Chlamydia Harris, or Fauxahontas Warren, or Da Nang Blumenthal. Constitution? They don’t need no stinken Constitution!

    In order to prove that Justice Brett Kavanaugh committed perjury, the people posing as Senators would have to prove that Christine Blasey Ford was telling the truth about the assault that never happened.

  4. Dersh is wrong. There is nothing in the Constitution to prevent impeachment for actions taken before the accused took office.

    It may be (I haven’t bothered to look) that some judge or court has interpreted the Constitution to come to that conclusion, but that would be fancifully reading into some very plain words something that isn’t there in the original. In other words, judicial activism.

  5. Modern politics in the Age of Trump45…..

    is reminding me of “The Adventures of Rocky and Bullwinkle and Friends”….

    Rocky is Trump45…. of course…..

    Boris is “Chuckles Schumer”…..

    Natasha is “Hitlery Clintoon….

    You can fill in the rest…..

  6. Impeachment is a political tool, not a legal.
    Impeachment can be based on anything, or nothing – it is only the willingness of the House to impeach that impels or impedes it.

    “… shall hold their Offices during good Behaviour …” is the only phrase (I can find) relevant. Other than that, the Constitution is silent.

    Of course, I know nothing of “precedent” and the other bullshit upon which our “Law” is propped.

    izlamo delenda est …

  7. Ruth Ginsburg is not quite three feet tall.

    Everybody wags their wiener in her face.

    If she files a complaint against BK, there would have to be a preliminary hearing to determine if Ruthie’s bragging or complaining.

  8. Well, they made up the action that (never) happened 36 years ago. They’ll just make up something now. They’ll have some woman follow Kavanaugh into a room one day, close the door behind her, and then she’ll start screaming and claiming he’s assaulting her.

    If you don’t think some democrat cunts aren’t rotten enough to do a stunt like this… think again.

  9. He would have to be convicted of the crimes. You just can’t impeach someone because you dont like them. The framers of the constitution were smart. And yes you can only be impeached for crime committed in office. Tjose cromes a specific and spelled out. Search it.

  10. ‘impeachment’ is just the process to bring someone to trial
    … one does not have to be convicted of anything to be impeached by a simple majority in the House of Representatives

  11. “If you don’t think some democrat cunts aren’t rotten enough to do a stunt like this… think again.”

    Agreed. I have no doubt, considering what we just witnessed.

    Liars inventing stories of whole cloth is why I have dash cams.

    Absolutely shuts them down 100%. Last guy did a 180 as soon as he saw the camera I was pointing out facing him and currently recording him. From “You changed lanes and I hit you” to “Yeah, I wasn’t paying attention” Video shows him looking down with his right hand holding up his phone to his right ear. Then a sudden look of fear and screeching tires as he slammed into me.

    Have I mentioned I think everyone should get a dash camor two? No? Do it. Worth every penny.

    I love shutting down liars without any further argument.

    Maybe do the Pence thing. Never be alone with a woman not your wife and have your wife present if you have a one-on-one meeting/lunch?


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