Hurricane Michael Update- Landfall on Florida’s Gulf Coast – IOTW Report

Hurricane Michael Update- Landfall on Florida’s Gulf Coast

Category 4 hurricane with 145 mph winds

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8 Comments on Hurricane Michael Update- Landfall on Florida’s Gulf Coast

  1. This storm is so bad even the Weather Channel crew tried to evacuate but decided to shelter in place.

    And who can blame them, just look at the satellite picture from yesterday. In know Halloween is right around the corner, but that’s a scary looking storm.

  2. BFH should make a Meteorologist bingo card for the idiot phrases they use but I’m guessing he’s kinda busy right now. Stay safe y’all. It’s supposed to be in my area about 9 AM tomorrow.

  3. From MJA: “Yeah, Lowell, they do weird shit like providing a group of updates from news and weather agencies. Odd, huh?”

    Easy dear. I know you’re steering clicks, and that’s OK.

    May all the Conservative blogs prosper.

  4. Well? Is it over? Did levees break? Are people trapped inside sports arenas committing acts of cannibalism after 6 hours of being deprived of Churchs chicken?

    Were hundreds of buses left unused?

    Vaguely inquiring minds want to know in order to settle a fiddy cent bet.


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