Vermont school gives 5th-graders sexuality survey, stoking outrage among parents – IOTW Report

Vermont school gives 5th-graders sexuality survey, stoking outrage among parents

FOX: A Vermont elementary school’s decision to ask fifth-grade students about their sexual history and gender identity has left many parents furious.

Students at Windsor State Street School were given a survey that asked them about their sexual preferences, their biological sex and how they “identify” as and if they have had a “romantic relationship” in that past year that involved a “sexual partner.”

Vanessa Beach, who posted portions of the survey on Facebook, said it was “ridiculous and unnerving” that her 10-year-old daughter was asked to disclose such information.

Beach said in her post that she has no problem discussing sexuality, but that it’s shocking that fifth-grade students were asked about something they may not yet understand.

“It’s none of their business,” she wrote. “What if my child was having a hard time with her sexuality?”

The survey was given to students on behalf of a nonprofit domestic violence prevention and advocacy group, Women’s Information Services (WISE).

Parents were supposedly given a notice allowing them to opt out of the questions on behalf of their children, but Beach says she never received anything and was only made aware of the survey when her daughter brought it home.

She says other parents also complained about never receiving any notice.  more


7 Comments on Vermont school gives 5th-graders sexuality survey, stoking outrage among parents

  1. 1967 Chanhassen mn we had to watch a movie where high school kids had had sex and the boy had a wart on his penis. The teacher rushed to turn off the projector. Teachers are idiots

  2. I have a niece and nephew home schooled. The amount of ‘family’ dis-connect of this was crazy. Never was a topic in their upbringing. Nor was Face-book or Twitter. They had the access, so not a control freak thing was going on. Originally I completely thought of what a brain washing attempt this is! I now appreciate the original ‘definition’ of the word ‘Liberal’. Long ago, originally it was open-minded. Throw in the mental illness of the ‘internet’, that’s where we are now. When picking ‘your side’,,, I’m only saddened by those not ever been schooled to understand what a ‘civil conversation’ means..

  3. Anonymous – nods, Chanhassen is a city in Carver and Hennepin counties in the state of Minnesota, United States. It is southwest of Minneapolis. The population was 22,952 at the 2010 census. So, you have not been able to find him and kill? What are you waiting for? Does that wort penis thing preclude you?”

  4. *** it was most certainly not intended to harm or sway students to consider different beliefs about gender or relationships.” ***


    That’s exactly what they were doing.

  5. Sounds like a reasonable survey to me. I mean, how else is the gym teacher going to find out where the easy pickings are? Besides, he can also make some money by selling the data to the local Catlick Church.

    All right, all right – maybe that’s blowing things out of proportion.

    Which is what the altar boy said.

    (I’ll just let myself out now…)


  6. “…Parents were supposedly given a notice allowing them to opt out …”

    It was done using ‘implied consent.’ That is of the same mindset as guilty until proven innocent. While the topic of the questionnaire is inappropriate and offensive, assuming that it is acceptable to expose children to such topics is not tolerable, at least in my world. This is a mechanic of social engineering, and lack of public outcry merely demonstrates how far the revision of society has progressed. And that progression proceeds by the above mechanic of ‘implied consent,’ when opposition is not expressed.
    And that works for voting, too.


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