It’s time for Republicans to act like Republicans (and not like Democrats) – IOTW Report

It’s time for Republicans to act like Republicans (and not like Democrats)

Can Republicans win the 2018 election? The mainstream press, the establishment, and history all say no. Poll numbers don’t look good. The generic ballot is not where it needs to be. There’s an enthusiasm gap.

Liberals are excited. Conservatives aren’t. Washington conventional wisdom has already decided the game is over. Republicans should just forfeit and go home.



The truth is, over the next 25 days if our party doesn’t show the sharp contrast in each party’s vision for America, then the “experts” will be right.

However, if Republicans, in a clear and direct way, show the difference, we can win.

The Democratic Party of 2018 has adopted the most extreme positions in American history.

Don’t believe us? Consider this:

While trying to destroy Judge Kavanaugh, Democrats applaud Colin Kaepernick when he disrespects our flag.

They embrace New York’s Democratic Governor Andrew Cuomo when he says “[America] was never that great.”

And Democrats cheer Rep. Maxine Waters, D- Calif., when she encourages the harassment of the president’s supporters and says “impeachment” 8 times in one sentence.

Their message: Raise taxes, abolish ICE, socialize medicine, and impeach the president.

Again, don’t believe us? Consider this:

Nancy Pelosi, D-Calif., wants to roll back the GOP tax cuts.

Rep. Earl Blumenauer, D-Ore., says, “It’s time to abolish ICE and start over.”

Seventeen Democratic senators now support Bernie Sanders’ socialized health care bill.

And, when Senator Chuck Schumer, D-N.Y., was asked, “When y’all going to impeach Trump?” he replied, “Sooner the better.”

These radical positions aren’t shared by the country.

Most Americans respect the flag and those who fought to protect the freedoms it represents.

Most Americans understand the United States is the greatest nation in history, and they want to keep America great.

And most Americans appreciate what has happened in 20 months under President Trump’s leadership:

5 Comments on It’s time for Republicans to act like Republicans (and not like Democrats)

  1. The dems are completely corrupt and will use the levers of government to go after their enemies if they gain back control.
    Given their tight ties with the tech industry they’ll have access to all kinds of information in order to use it against people. Everyone here is a target!

  2. The only reason we’ve gotten as far as we have in the past few years is because we’ve done like Democrats and gone on the offense for once, and it’s paying off in spades, started by Trump, then Kavanaugh. A handful of Republicans have been doing it for a few weeks and look at the effect it’s already having. Why? Simple. They’ve flipped the Stalinist’s script on them and the Left CANNOT process it.

    So I’m sorry, but what does that title even mean?

  3. I learned is school that the Press generates polls to create a “Band Wagon” result. That was 65 years ago. Still true.
    The acme of the Press trying to generate a bandwagon is RomneyCare 2.0!~ 2/09 when GWB’s friend Barry was pushing RomneyCare 2.0 all the Press said it was what “the people wanted”! The 2 far left nets – Fox + CNN – both had polls saying 90% wanted RomenyCare 2.0. Again for emphasis – Fox + CNN said 9 out of 10 Americans wanted RomneyCare 2/09. Fox even had Mitt on twice a week from 2/09 to 6/09 touting RomneyCare 2.0!

    A year later REAL AMERICANS went to real polls. 75% voted AGAINST RomneyCare 2.0!
    Fox and CNN failed to make the BandWagon. But they tried very hard to make it!

    Polls are done to convince the sheep which way the herd is going!


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