PJW: ‘Tattoos Are For Stupid People’ – IOTW Report

PJW: ‘Tattoos Are For Stupid People’

“The irony of branding yourself like the rest of the cattle, then claiming to be unique”



47 Comments on PJW: ‘Tattoos Are For Stupid People’

  1. And for drunken sailors, I could never understand why I would willingly want to turn myself into the illustrated man. My son has a Superman logo tattooed on his chest which I think he is beginning to regret the older he gets. I’m waiting for him to have to explain to his daughter why he thinks he is Superman. And the Dodgers just beat the Brewers 4-3 to even the NLCS, GO DODGERS!

  2. HEY!….The US men’s soccer team tries really hard, so they can be forgiven for not winning the world cup…..LOLOLOL………and the dodgers suck…..GO BOB UEKERS BREWERS!!!!….must be front row!….and then another yeah….GO “STROS!!!!

  3. “… a permanent reminder of a temporary feeling” ~ Jimmy Buffett

    has the whole country turned itself into a circus sideshow? I’m actually surprises me that WalMart doesn’t have tattoo kiosks

  4. I hate tattoos. When I was a child I would never invite friends over because the sperm donor had 2 tattoos on each arm. One was a naked lady standing in a pose, and on the other arm a naked lady sitting in a martini glass. I was embarrassed, and to this day I hate them. The ones who have them make sure you see them. Some look like they use to be something, but are just a big glob of black ink. They’ll be sorry when they get into their 50’s and those dramatic tats will shrivel up and look like a serious disease. I call then trash stamps.

  5. A few months ago there was an article around that said the tattoo ink ultimately finds its way to your lymph nodes and settles there. Lots of heavy metals and other crap that I wouldn’t want in my immune system.

  6. My two girls are 17 and 18 and they don’t even wear makeup. They are so beautiful in their own right. The odds of them even getting tattoos is probably one in a thousand. I can only hope!
    BTW, Mom & dad don’t have any tattoos.

  7. Wow, a thread that actually agrees with me. I don’t like tattoos AT ALL, and even four years of Navy couldn’t change that.

    Some people say things like, “Well mine is small and tasteful,” which I just ignore and move on from because I’m not into an argument over it. I do know some people with tattoos who don’t act like the stereotype, and we either agree to disagree or they come to understand that I’m not into it and accept that. They don’t put me down for not liking them or insist that I act all enthusiastic, which works for me: different opinions but ability to respect each other nonetheless.

    It’s the people who get crazy and act like all their “tats” are their identity, or make them cool or whatever who I think are ridiculous. When I spent a year in and near NYC I saw someone at Journal Square (just outside NYC) with tattoos covering his face, neck and arms, and the girl with him had the same. I really question the judgement of people who do that.

  8. My two girls are 17 and 18 and they don’t even wear makeup. They are so beautiful in their own right. The odds of them even getting tattoos is probably one in a thousand. (I can only hope!)

    BTW, mom & dad don’t have any…which may mean something.

  9. My dad was born in 1910. Joined the Army in 1943 at age 33. He had an eagle with flag on his shoulder.
    It was discrete and went along with his Army service.
    Now the young folks have tattoos all over their bodies and faces. What isn’t covered in ink is covered in piercings. Faces look like they fell face first into a tackle box.

  10. My wife used to laugh at me when I came home after officiating a wedding and tell her how many tattoos there were.

    Usually just counted the women. Once did a biker wedding with about twenty showing and that was just the women.

  11. Over time and experience, I have found that persons that tattoo themselves are to be avoided.
    Once I met a guy who I thought had disproven my theory. Nice, intelligent etc. Found out about a year later that he had murdered someone in a hotel room.
    Tattoos make excellent warning signs, so I don’t generally disparage them.

  12. Saw a hilarious political cartoon:

    The manager of a freak show in a circus was sadly giving the pink-slip to the fat lady, the bearded lady and the tattooed lady in the show: “Sorry. It’s just that none of you are freaks anymore.”

  13. I don’t have a tattoo nor do I approve of them.
    A small tattoo does not bother me but having tats all over your arms, chest and legs…
    Well, I disapprove and I’m glad to say; it’s your problem….not mine.

  14. I as a man have no interest in a woman with tattoos, although I’ve known women who were my managers in the past and have them. HMMMM, no thanks to the body graffiti, otherwise fantastic bodies messed up with what is otherwise temporary art.

  15. LOL, PJW trying to justify his own fear of tattoos. No one, outside of gangs, is forcing anyone to get a tattoo. For many, myself included, it’s a form of art that can symbolize important events or aspects of one’s life. Mine are not only unique artwork, but they each mean something very deeply to me in my life. I couldn’t care less if PJW likes them or tattoos in general. I didn’t get them for him or anyone else. And if he, or anyone else, doesn’t like it they can suck it.

  16. I may have mentioned this before, but when I was a kid there were pretty much just two types of people who had tattoos: sailors and prostitutes. (Circus performers didn’t count, because they weren’t around much.)

    Try as I might to adjust to this strange new world, when I see someone with a tattoo my subconscious mind tends to view them as being in one of those two categories.

    I’m still trying to change, though.


  17. Men wearing ear rings is another insanely overused cultural marker. It was done years ago by seafarers to indicate they had crossed the equator now it’s meaningless.
    Tattooed women is just a tragedy to behold. You can be certain that at some point the regret will be crushing.

  18. Tattoos are like a lot of things: hubcaps in the ear lobes, spears through the tongue, outlandish dress, over-the-top cars, claiming to be a “trans non-binary gender fluid vegan (or vegan at all), etc.
    It’s all “Look at MEEEE! Look at MEEEE! How special I am!!”
    Without having to go to the trouble of doing something
    to actually *be* special.

  19. VET

    Same here 60 years ago. 1 of he greatest Jarheads ever ( 2 MOHonor) a mustang named Smedly Butler (that’s Gen Butler to you!) was covered with tats. In the last 53 years I’ve had (have) many friends with tats. 20 years ago when we went to The ChandlerPavillion and see all the women with tats I was shocked. By 2002 I was no longer shocked.

    I have no tats but they no longer bother me even on rich young girls.

  20. @an ol exJarhead: Wow – anyone with two (count ’em, 2) MOHs gets an immediate exemption from my mental habit of sorting tattooees into the category of either a prostitute or a sailor.

    Although from what I’ve heard about Marines, he’d probably rather be called the former than the latter.


  21. I have three sons, I’ve told them all that if they take up with a woman with tat’s they will regret it down the road because there is something seriously wrong with her between the ears. And God forbid that they marry and have children. Really, you want the mother of your children to have “tramp stamps”? Men are not exempt either. Dumb

  22. I was at a risk assessment conference regarding mental illness it was given by
    Phillip J. Resnick who is an internationally known forensic psychiatrist noted for his expertise in the assessment of violence risk and the detection of malingered mental illness. He is a Professor of Psychiatry and Director of the Division of Forensic Psychiatry at Case Western Reserve University School of Medicine in Cleveland, Ohio. He is a past president of the American Academy of Psychiatry and the Law. He has provided consultation in many high profile cases including: Jeffrey Dahmer, Susan Smith, Timothy McVey, Andrea Yates, Scott Petersen, Brian Mitchell (kidnapper of Elizabeth Smart), Theodore Kaczynski (Unabomber) and Casey Anthony. Dr Resnicks comments regarding tattoos and antisocial behavior were not taken lightly by some in the audience for the conference.
    he said: “Tattoos are the bumper stickers of ones soul and are a marker to help diagnosis some antisocial personality types”. BINGO, our whole society is damaged! Great book out there: The sociopath next door-Martha Stout

  23. Have just never seen the attraction of tats, for myself, or on others. Like Vet, I grew up knowing them as marking sea dogs for the SPs, and pros, under street lamps, for their johns. Have yet to discover any ‘culturally relevant’ epiphany adequate enough to change my observations. All I hear are watery efforts to justify ‘Look @ me, NOW!!’
    In my early years w/Unka Sam, there was a small amount of peer pressure to visit the ‘parlor’, on leave. Told my buds “why would I want to trash up God’s perfection, I’m who and how he wants me!”

  24. I had a friend, RIP Crazy Dave, he had “Your Name” and an ice cream cone on his dick.
    He won more bets with it.
    Said he always wanted to get his first girlfriends name put on,
    Charlotte Elisabeth Cunningham.
    It would fit, he liked guns, fast cars and fast motorcycles.

  25. @OpenTheDoor: It probably would only have said “Charlotte Elisabeth Cunningham” when he was feeling – um, shall we say – “amorous”.

    The rest of the time it would have just read, “Charm”.

  26. I will take you into any store, buy you any shirt, with the only proviso being that you have to wear it every day and night for the rest of your life. How many would take me up on that? Well, that is what a tattoo is.

  27. My father, a WWII Navy Vet, had 4 tattoos, 2 on each arm. Each one, under the image, had the name of one of the 4 campaigns he was in as a SeaBee in the South Pacific. Now me I sent 21 years in the Navy and I have none and when I retired in 1996 it was a fairly small percentage of Sailors that had tattoos.


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