What Islam Has That We Don’t- The answer lies in your family tree – IOTW Report

What Islam Has That We Don’t- The answer lies in your family tree

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[…] Nailing down that Martel nexus underscored for me a vitally important fact: namely, that one weapon that Muslims have in spades, and that we Westerners don’t at all, is history. They remember these things. We don’t – at least not in the fiercely acute way that they do. In this era of social networks and reality TV, an overwhelming number of us folks in the West inhabit an eternal present, preoccupied by the latest tweets, Facebook postings, and celebrity Instagram photos. We live and die by the daily news cycle, allowing ourselves to get worked up into a lather over trivial events that we’ll forget about in a week. Issues that weren’t even on our radar five years ago (transsexuality, anyone?) now steer what we think of as our moral compass. Meanwhile we have little or nothing in the way of historical perspective. Kids graduating from some of the “best” colleges in America don’t know who fought whom in World War II, let alone World War I or the Napoleonic Wars – or, needless to say, the Battle of Tours.  more here

25 Comments on What Islam Has That We Don’t- The answer lies in your family tree

  1. I saw an interesting history tidbit that I was unaware of, heard it a couple of times in the past week: Columbus sailing west and discovering the Americas was largely due to Muslim control of the Mediterranean. Of course there is much more involved, but that certainly was never a part of my childhood education. We knew that Jefferson battled the Barbary pirates (with US Navy and Marines) but little mention of their allegiance.
    Related – many of the indigenous Americans welcomed Columbus as he gave them protection from neighboring tribes.
    Key point is awareness. Most Americans are not aware of these things. I think I am pretty aware, and I didn’t know these things.

  2. I’ll never forget the Battle of Tours.
    After all those centuries Western Civilization was finally WINNING!
    The indoctrinated millennials do not understand that civilization can be lost in one generation.
    They think the default position is progress.
    The default position is chaos and the Dark Ages.

  3. I haven’t read the article and I realize it’s referencing the West’s lack of historical perspective or knowledge, but whenever I hear things like this I think of Eastern European countries who aren’t far removed from islamic barbarism and how they haven’t forgotten.

    My brother was visiting Bulgaria in early June, and on a Sunday a siren sounded and the entire country came to a standstill. He had just entered the hotel lobby and the TV was on and everyone was frozen in place and even cars on the roads stopped. It was a few minutes of remembrance for the 1876 slaughter of all of the Bulgarians in a village by the Turks after a particular battle.

    When I looked up the battle and read about the unspeakable islamic horrors that were committed, I wondered again how it’s possible that so many in the West are unaware of islam’s history and unchanging nature. 14 centuries of it. It boggles the mind.

  4. The history of Isslam is based on one general fact: It was authored by some man named moHAMmed who claimed an encounter with a supernatural being who caled himself a god.

    Many men thru history (and several women) have claimed the same (different beings/gods of course). All have led to tragedy, heartbreak, despair, and aggression toward others.

    Only one human-God interaction is based on Love, Relationship, Responsibility, and care for others based on a Creator-Creation perspective.

    Christians don’t dwell on history because their faith is based on God’s presence changing them into what He wants for us. We are to remember his revelations of course and His great sacrifice of His Son.

    We remember revivals and souls won, not battles won or lost.

    Muslimes remember history because if they don’t they could lose their heads.

  5. “When I looked up the battle and read about the unspeakable islamic horrors that were committed, I wondered again how it’s possible that so many in the West are unaware of islam’s history and unchanging nature. 14 centuries of it. It boggles the mind.”

    The answer is, the Left has systematically attempted to bury all knowledge which paints the West in a remotely positive light. Not even historic acts of self-defense against the depredations of savages are allowed to be known if it could lend strength to the West today. Instead, slavery never ended and free market capitalism, and white people, are the evil of all evils.

    Few things in the past 125 years happened by accident. This mass ignorance you’re seeing was designed.

  6. Every day is a little piece of history.
    History is a vast panorama. It is extremely difficult to know it all but with some study one can discern the general trends.
    This in turn will provide perspective that may clarify current events and predict future developments.

    These are the good old days.

  7. Had genetic testing done last month, primarily for health insights. My dad already had it done by one company, different from the one I had chosen, so I went ahead and did it again with his (no health parts the second time, just genealogical).

    The first company flagged me as less then 1% sub-Saharan African. Obviously you would NEVER know it to look at me. It showed up again on the second site, though my dad has zero African. So that means back in my mom’s tree, there’s a black person somewhere. Probably goes back to slavery days…both of their backgrounds are generally Arkansas/Tennessee, which even earlier came from somewhere in the deep south. I’m unsure if the various Mohammedan depredations into Europe would account for it but who knows.
    The important thing is, I hate rap and ate and enjoyed bacon this morning and intend to do so until they shovel dirt in my face.

  8. On this day in history:

    Chuck Yeager broke the sound barrier. Teddy Roosevelt was shot in Milwakee and in 1066 William the Conqueror bitch slapped King Harold the 2nd into oblivion at the battle of hasting.

    On this day in islamic history some people got stabbed.

    The only edge islam has on us is that their history is easy to remember. Every damn day it’s beheadings, child rape and slaughter.

    Meanwhile the west has millions of books on history in print, literacy is rampant and freedom of choice and expression has never been greater for the average Joe. But somehow, the culture with ONE book has us aced on history.

    Nice attempt at victim-hood kid, but I’ll keep my my awesome and nuanced civilization with it’s awesome and nuanced history over the hordes of ignorant and repressive islamists any day.

  9. “The answer is, the Left has systematically attempted to bury all knowledge which paints the West in a remotely positive light … This mass ignorance you’re seeing was designed.”

    Yes. And it’s extraordinary that so much evil could be buried, and that western civilization could be so maligned.

  10. DAN
    the first line in the MC hymn is about a company of jarheads, lead by a Navy lt (Cptn in Corps), killing over 150 Muslims (It was a 9:1 kill ratio!) …To the shores of Tripoli…”

    JAG ddi not bring charges against any!

    Related by Don Trump
    the opening refers to a Regt of soldiers and a company of Jarheads led by a young Col R. E. Lee – again killing 5:1. “From the halls of…”
    Only DUMB Jarheads do not know history; unfortunately in peace time there many such. War culls the dummies; war is “for keeps”!

  11. @Aaron Burr October 14, 2018 at 7:08 pm

    > I’ll keep my my awesome and nuanced civilization with it’s awesome and nuanced history over the hordes of ignorant and repressive islamists any day.

    No. You won’t.

    “Your” civilization accepts (it embraces, but accepts would be enough) what the communalists describe as “the right side of history”. In the event that enough people decide, at the same time (the odds of selecting the same multi-state lottery numbers), to solve that “history” problem (picking the winning multi-state lottery numbers), “your” civilization would cease to be. No more restin’. No more pinin’ for the fjords. The people might survive. Their children would thrive. But the civilization that brought them, could bring them, The New World Order would be no more.

    If “your” civilization soldiers on, allows the cancer to be (lessened, strengthened, doesn’t matter), “the right side of history” will erase “your” civilization. That is it’s (sometimes proudly, sometimes slyly) stated intent.

    Or, you can “let” repressive islamists solve (rather than delay) that problem “for” you. On their terms.

    On “your” schedule, or theirs (multiple, some, though not all, gender “confused”, “their”). “Your” civilization is a dead dream reelin’.

  12. “We are all Charles Martel”

    Only if we’re aware that war has been declared on us. Those who know it appear as fools to those who don’t. Worse…because of the Left…the ones who know are seen as the enemy.

    Said it before, won’t stop saying it: the real enemy is the Left. The Mohammedans are just tools in the hand of the Left.


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