Trick-or-treaters over 12 could face jail time in Virginia – IOTW Report

Trick-or-treaters over 12 could face jail time in Virginia


In Chesapeake, Virginia, anyone over 12 caught trick-or-treating could face jail time; reaction on ‘The Greg Gutfeld Show.’

Snip: More info on that from the City of Chesapeake.

18 Comments on Trick-or-treaters over 12 could face jail time in Virginia

  1. Why not make it 16+, if you must?
    How about any kid (regardless of age) gets caught vandalizing, you ticket their parents double of what normal is. Shit, they do that on highways for littering.

  2. When my kids were little I always dressed up as well to make them happy. I didn’t trick or treat, but I did a few times hold their bag/bucket up for them when they were too shy to do it. I wonder if that would get me arrested?

  3. I would challenge it.

    Santa Monica built a new park at the beach, 5-minute walk from my place. Children only, adults without a child are forbidden. Screw that – obviously I have no ill intent toward children, but don’t build something for only certain people to use. And don’t criminalize people on public property until they actually do something criminal.
    I walked through it for a quick look. Nothing I would be interested in anyhow.

  4. Throw a 13 yo in jail for trick-or-treating and yet let an 18 yo in from the south with MS13 tattoos makes perfect sense if your out to destroy this country.
    Only the left would come up with this.

  5. What if the homeowner wants to hand out candy to over 12’s?
    This is the state government micromanaging homeowners.
    If you don’t want to give candy to older kids, don’t.
    It doesn’t take a government to say no for you.

  6. Rules are rules! Zero Tolerance!
    Arrest all the scofflaws and try them as adults.
    Maybe a little jail time will scare them straight.
    /S/ off.

    Meanwhile, Cankles is still at large…

  7. I lived in Va. from ’49 -’53. It was not a “Nanny State” then!How far to the left Va. has gone since I left! “Who’d a think it?”

    I agree with her. 13 is too young!

  8. OK I’m going to clarify what is going on here.

    The law is not Halloween specific, but a ban on any 13 yo and up 365 days a year from wearing a mask or identity hiding device as we are a crime ridden state.
    It also applies to occupy Wall Street, antifa and other hoodlums.

    You see folks, laws are created in response to hideous crimes and everyone suffers due to the lowest common denominator.

    Real 13 year olds simply trick or treating won’t be harassed.


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