James Woods’ tweetstorm against ABC – IOTW Report

James Woods’ tweetstorm against ABC

BPR: James Woods embarked on a tweet-storm Saturday, lending his important voice to a whole range of current topics, beginning with the report that senior executives at ABC believe they overreacted in firing comedian Roseanne Barr for her controversial tweet, saying it would have been more appropriate to suspend her.

“They’ve no doubt tested with focus groups. This was a billion dollar catastrophe for them,” Woods tweeted. “I hope she hijacks their asses for a fortune when they slip on the knee pads and start begging for her to come back.”

And while it’s believed that Barr gave ABC the blessing to do a “Roseanne” spin-off, Woods asked about the possibility of another network — Fox? — doing a sitcom with Barr.

“Serious question: does ABC own Roseanne’s name? I always heard that titles can’t be copyrighted,” Woods tweeted. “I’m probably wrong, but what if another network decided to do a different Roseanne Barr sitcom? What degree of material change is required?”  more here

6 Comments on James Woods’ tweetstorm against ABC

  1. I like the idea of FOX upstaging ABC with Roseanne as they did with Tim Allen, but
    a show starring her without John Goodman is a real stretch imo.

    There is the ~up yours!~ factor, but by the third week she’d have to carry her weight and I just don’t see that happening. The remake was funny because Roseanne went MAGA and the writers played that well against her idiot liberal sister. All the years spent on development of those characters went down the crapper when ABC chose their shit ideology over profits.

    Imagine how huuuge Disney/ESPN/ABC would be, if they weren’t stupider than a stoned soetoro!


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