Florida Sen. Bill Nelson sends email asking for hurricane relief, donation link goes to Democrat political fundraiser site – IOTW Report

Florida Sen. Bill Nelson sends email asking for hurricane relief, donation link goes to Democrat political fundraiser site

BPR: Some conservatives have accused a Democrat senator known for slandering Florida Gov. Rick Scott’s wife of using the devastation and horror spawned by Hurricane Michael this week to assist a left-wing fundraising platform capture the email addresses and phone numbers of his constituents.

In an email sent Wednesday, the same day that the category four hurricane made landfall along the Florida Panhandle, Sen. Bill Nelson urged his constituents to donate to relief efforts by clicking over to ActBlue.com, according to the Washington Free Beacon.

ActBlue, a federally registered political action committee that was launched in 2004, has called itself “the online clearinghouse for Democratic action.”

“ActBlue is a nonprofit, building fundraising technology for the left,” the organization says on its website. “Democratic campaigns get more donations through ActBlue than any other platform.”

“A majority of Democratic Senate and House campaigns—along with the DCCC, DSCC, DGA, over one-third of statewide campaigns, and advocacy organizations around the country—have chosen ActBlue,” the website adds, noting that the organization has raised $2,862,403,745 for “Democrats and progressive causes” in 14 years.

Nelson also shared a link to ActBlue on his Twitter feed:  MORE

5 Comments on Florida Sen. Bill Nelson sends email asking for hurricane relief, donation link goes to Democrat political fundraiser site

  1. Too bad he rode the shuttle before the Challenger explosion. Life would have been better if the schoolteacher had flown in the previous shuttle and he ad gone up in Challenger.
    He is one worthless turd.

  2. He represents a perfect example of the difference between dems and repubs. The dems are on board fully with anyone who carries the democrat label, it doesn’t matter how corrupt or personally sleazy the person is. The republicans are regularly critical and even outraged by questionable behavior from our reps.
    We are dealing with people who are completely devoid of morals.


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