New Portland, Oregon Tourism Ad – IOTW Report

New Portland, Oregon Tourism Ad

Portland, Oregon, is located in the Northwestern United States. Portland is considered the cultural mecca for the most refined vision of left-wing Marxism. Known as a hub for modern cultural and political violence, all tourists are now provided complimentary helmets and batons to facilitate vacation transits to various points of interest.

Portland Mayor Ted Wheeland welcomes each visiting family to a modern Portland. He and his leadership team are committed to maximum excitement during your stay. Welcome to Portland – You’ll fight like hell to enjoy it, or else:

9 Comments on New Portland, Oregon Tourism Ad

  1. Daughter lives in Portland, she is trying like hell to leave.
    Cannot sell the house.
    “Dad, we aren’t going to give it away.” May have to, if she wants to move.
    New Detroit, on the Colombia river.

  2. We used to get a hotel room and stay in downtown Portland a couple times/year and walked almost everywhere we went. Did a lot of shopping while there. We avoid going into Portland now.

    We will be headed down to Sausage Fest in Verboort in a couple weeks though.

    That is about as close as we get to Portland any more. Have only missed Sausage Fest once in the last twenty-five years or so.

  3. I go to Portland 3-4 times a month. I do not stay there. If I have to overnight, I stay in Vancouver, WA.,just across the river. Only a few miles from downtown Portland, but light years away from the lunatic,green hair,nose ring mindset of Pioneer Square in downtown Portland. Anybody who lives in the area knows what I mean.

  4. This is not the Portland I remember. It’s too bad because Portland does have a lot of fun things to do and see. Very sad, I wouldn’t want to visit there anytime soon.


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